Rollo Tomassi

One silver lining of Trump being such an obvious disaster is that it might make it more apparent to people that voting for the LePens and Wilderses of the world is a bad idea. We already had plenty of nativist idiots leading countries before, but they were usually in places like Hungary and Poland where they didn't

I think the reason we're taught the idea that America is some sort of great melting pot has a little to do with patriotism and viewing the past through rose-colored glasses, but it is also about encouraging people to think positively about immigration, and in that sense it's a good thing.

I get a little annoyed with the "My history class was full of lies" attitude, mainly because most people never paid one bit of attention in history class anyway. Maybe history textbooks in this country (actually, probably any country) tend to take a triumphalist view, but it's not like better information is either

It would have continued as a common insult if not for Booth.

Meryl Streep, Faye Dunaway and Glenn Close? Weren't the Cherry Sisters in their twenties when they were performing?

Toes: The Fingers of Feet

Ugh. DeVos is probably the cabinet pick that most turns my stomach. Her and Sessions. The rest are just garden-variety bad, of a type I could handle under normal circumstances. Of course under normal circumstances, there are only one or two bad picks like that, not like 80% of them.

No, I'm saying that, at this point in time, and for the foreseeable future, secession doesn't make any sense. There will presumably come a day when the US collapses, just as all countries eventually do, but the under the present political reality it's ridiculous. Americans, unlike Indians for example, are very similar

Uhhh, no.

I just saw it a month ago and it was exactly as much of a gut punch as I expected, largely due to her performance.

Maybe when I'm forced to flee the country due to my anti-regime activities I can crash on your couch. You'll barely even notice I'm there.

Lieberman. He's pretty much the worst.

And most Trump voters actually are relatively high earners. They're primarily people who feel strong economic anxiety for no good goddamn reason. They just perceive things as being very bad and vote accordingly.

Get a beer or two in them and they'd probably tell you that they can't stand 'em.

You absolutely have that right, just as people have a right to criticize you for being somewhat self-centered and irresponsible. I can't blame you, especially since you live in blue state. I voted for Nader in 2000 myself, but my personal belief is that the vast majority of people who were inclined to vote for Clinton

A lot of things that are more important are happening to people individually, but this is something that affects the whole world, not to mention the future generations who I hope can look to America as a beacon of freedom.

I have friends who are advocating for California secession and it's pissing me off. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died for the Union, and we shouldn't be disrespecting their sacrifice just because of this insignificant little prick.

Are you trying to start a fight about the Canadian healthcare system with someone who has presumably lived with it for their entire life? Because they may very well know a bit more about it than you, including the fact that, while they might technically exist, 18-week wait times are nearly unheard of.

They're pretty much the worst major religious movement of modern times.

Dude, you can still drive, walk, or take a bus.