Rollo Tomassi

All kidding aside, Canada is awesome, but I don't want to live there, not because of the weather (Well, not *entirely* because of the weather) but because I'm an American and I love my country. I think it's one of the best countries in the world, and it's worth fighting for. I'm not going anywhere until I actually

Probably won't find a ton of disagreement anywhere in the world, from people of any political persuasion.

I know that many if not most will either not care or think it's a good thing. But I'm sure there are some who are horrified by this sort of thing, and we're going to need them in the coming years.

I hope so. I work weekends, you see, and would like to protest this bullshit, but with minimal inconvenience.

I'm so furious at this. I knew it was going to happen, but had no idea it would apply to people who had already completed their paperwork and worse yet, people who have been living here already who had the misfortune to be traveling at the time. What a colossal piece of shit this guy is.

But then you had to run back inside before you froze to death.

I've been saying that for years.

This is the worst thing he's done so far, and probably mild compared to what's coming. I'm totally furious. I'm hoping that the stories of people sent back from airports, of families unexpectedly separated from each other and of people who risked their lives to help the United States in Iraq is enough to sway a good

If only I had known to appreciate it at the time.

My first girlfriend had noticeably larger hands than mine. It was in no way emasculating, OK? Everything was fine, believe me.

You know, I have pretty small hands, and while I'm not exactly John Holmes over here, I think I'm doing fine in that particular area. Let's not assume from Trump's little hands that he also has a tiny dick.

Or Class Act.

I have a good friend who is pretty much as far-left anti-establishment liberal as one can be. She spends a lot of her time bemoaning cultural conformity, corporate America, capitalism, and so forth to a degree that can sometimes be really off-putting. But she loves Disney. Loves it. I mean, is absolutely obsessed with

After you watch this you can watch "When the Wind Blows." Then you won't even want to survive a nuclear war. You'll be so depressed you won't even want to survive the rest of the day.

What's that have to do with nuclear war?

Man this is gonna make House Party look like House Party 2!

I don't really have time to get into it right now. But I was just reading something the other day about the towns they own in Florida, and it rekindled a hate I've had for a while but had largely forgotten about.

Yeah, I suppose that'd probably bug me if I were him. But we also know that he hates it when women do things like swear, eat, have bodily functions or talk. So I'm going to go ahead and assume that his issue with her goes beyond the reasonable one he could have and into his weird psychological hangups.

Well if your were eleven you got in the theater for a couple of bucks less than me. You bastard.

I don't know all the ins and outs of copyright law when it comes to things that have fallen into the public domain, but I do know that copyright generally is total bullshit when it comes to people who had nothing to do with the creation of something milking it for generations.