Rollo Tomassi

Yeah, for a lot of people that's a feature rather than a bug. I'm glad I live in California. I haven't been truly embarrassed by an elected representative of mine since Pete Wilson, I guess. And he was pretty good by GOP standards.

Good Luck. We're All counting On you.

Reading the article and then looking at this list tells me that 1993 might be the year I saw the most movies in the theater. Which is weird, because I was 17 and had no income. I have no idea where I got the money the see like twenty movies.

How long has it been since you slept, Buzz?

I heard that Sam was offered a position in the administration. He might take it too, since he's no longer obligated to play Juliana Marguiles' husband on The Good Wife.

Maybe when he says "disgusting" he means "arousing."

You forgot to change the capitalization when you translated this from German.

I was actually thinking the other day that if ICP had only taken an anti-Trump stance, it might have been enough to deny him a few Midwestern states. Then I remembered that in most places felons can't vote.

You know who thought waterboarding was torture? The military tribunal that passed a death sentence on the Japanese commander who ordered it. I'd say someone needs to tell your dipshit congressman that, but I assume he's already heard and just manages to disregard that information.

A man swearing is OK. A woman swearing is disgusting. Same thing for gaining weight, talking about sex, having opinions, etc.

If we couldn't quote stupid people, there'd be no news coming out of the White House.

Are you sure you didn't feel that way long before the election?

I think even considering a Trump vote is a punchable offense.


It's fitting that you'd quote Tom Petty, since we know from The Postman that he'll still be around after the Apocalypse.

I wonder how many people in postwar Europe came out way better off just because they were basically starting over at zero. I'm sure there were plenty of people whose debts were wiped when the bank that held their mortgage burned down and that sort of thing. I also realize that using the postwar confusion as an

Now I want to listen to "Moon Over Marin."

Celebrity Apprentice?

You mean "Dik Pics."

This is from the mashup of 1984 and Atlas Shrugged, which about life in a Communist dystopia and also trains.