Rollo Tomassi

I have no idea. I'm sure that some will. I see that the ones who've been confirmed so far have been on votes of like 96-2, but they've all been pretty uncontroversial. The ones to watch are the ones I mentioned, plus maybe Carson, Perry, Tillerson and Mnuchin. I expect that opposition to all of them will be weaker

If I were a senator, I'd probably vote to confirm most of Trump's cabinet choices, just so that it's clear how unacceptable the ones that I *don't* vote for are. If you vote against all of them, you look like you're just being partisan. If you vote against just DeVos, Sessions and Price, you're making it clear that

The fact that Trump literally watched Bill O'Reilly the other night and then basically announced action on Twitter a few hours later based on what he saw is just so disturbing on so many levels. If a president sees something in a media outlet that they find disturbing/interesting, the reasonable and obvious course of

It can be two things.

I feel like every facet of our culture needs to make it clear that Trump and his beliefs are just unacceptable. If the universal perception of the guy is that he's both dangerous and a laughingstock (which somehow manages to be accurate), then maybe he'll get away with relatively little.

A positive effect for those of us who are left, you mean.

It's amazing how quickly and easily Trump managed to defuse the anger over internet hoaxes promoting crazy Clinton conspiracies by just branding CNN "fake news." The guy's ability to deflect criticism is just incredible.

I have to wonder if they have reason to believe that blocking one of his nominees would just result in him picking an even worse one. Not that it matters, really, since they don't actually have the votes to block any of them anyway.

Suggested album titles:
Sanctum Sanctorum
Espiritu Sanctu
Pater Noster
Requiescat in Pace
Dei Gratia
Habemus Papem

No, you've been doing it for you.

That's a-maze-ing.

I'd like to read this whole thing, but I've got a food in the oven.

You'd think so, but they still managed to get lots of collaborators from the Ukraine, the Baltic, etc. But I'm pretty sure that, yes, the Nazi racial ideology ultimately hurt them strategically.

The one in the MTM logo?

He does all his communication station to station.

That's funny. When my dad got a DUI he actually said it was because the cops had nothing better to do. I think he thinks it's still the 70's.

One thing I find interesting is that Hitler's original plan was to invade something like six weeks earlier, but he had to delay it in order to bail Italy out in Greece, which Mussolini had invaded without notifying Hitler first. It's possible that without that the Soviets could have been beaten.

For a second I read that as "Dave Matthews" and I was really confused.

When I used to go to lots of shows, it was always the guy in the Slayer shirt that I was afraid was going to kick my ass for no reason.

I'll say. I haven't invaded an unknown territory in ages, if you know what I mean.