Rollo Tomassi

They go to Extremes?

Well, it's more common than people who don't eat chicken or beef. Or even pork, if you're not somewhere with lots of Jews or Muslims.

I know it's not mayo. It's tzatziki, or something similar. And I'm not a fan.

Yeah, but apparently his name is a draw for people who are into this? I don't know. Maybe not. It's a weird industry, and I know very little of how it works, especially on the fringes.

Hey, me too! Well, not "all the time," exactly. More like "every time." So far anyway. I live in a small town that's pretty ethnically homogenous.

"Three! Three guys banging my wife!"

Yeah, but what this guy does is pretty specialized, so maybe in his case not so much.

Yeah, it's weird to me that people even give a shit about the scenarios that are supposedly happening on the screen. I lack that strong of an ability to suspend disbelief, at least in this particular arena. That being said, nothing can turn me off quicker than porn presented under a scenario like, "Man fucks his

I'm into trying new cuisines and stuff. I just don't like mayonnaise or guacamole or shellfish. The only type of restaurant I can think of right off hand where I've had trouble finding anything I like are Turkish places, because they tend to drizzle white shit over absolutely everything. The worst part is I absolutely

Not really. I will eat it, but I'm never like, "Oh boy, yogurt!" I do eat a lot of things that include yogurt as an ingredient, like Indian curries and stuff. Of course, it's in no way recognizable as yogurt at that point. I've never been big on condiments in general, although there are a handful I really like (steak

Just point out to them that there's a reason every seafood restaurant has at least one steak or chicken dish on the menu. An aversion to fish is very common. Not that saying that will make them stop being dicks about it.

I used to barbecue a lot, and my vegan friend would always show up with tofu sausages or whatever and say, "Hey, let me know when there's going to be space on the grill for these," and everyone was happy. If only everyone was able to come to a reasonable accommodation like that.

Yeah, the kitchen at my work always takes food allergies very seriously. It might annoy everyone, but we always take great pains to avoid cross-contamination or anything, even when we know it isn't something potentially serious. I know that not all places are that conscientious. My girlfriend used to work at a place

Yeah, that's a tough one. I definitely spend a good amount of time shifting stuff around my plate at other people's houses.

You might be right, but as someone who works in foodservice, I tend to be skeptical of most people who claim to have food intolerances, especially anything having to do with gluten sensitivity. I know that there are people out there with celiac disease, but I've had just about enough of people who insist they can't

Mayo is the worst. The fucking worst. And while I like Mexican food, I'm not big on sour cream or guacamole or a lot of the other accoutrements that tend to be associated with it. The worst part is I'm half-Mexican.

I'm pretty picky, but nothing like the people in this article. I try not to let it bother anyone with it, though. No crazy substitutions while I'm eating out and I don't broadcast my dislikes in an obnoxious way. What drives me nuts is when people behave as though the fact that I don't like salmon or whatever has some

And you've waited All This Time to mention it?

That being said, at some point you're thinking, "If I were at this wedding in real life, I probably would have gone home by now."