
The captions I saw during Sam’s “I’m an established artist” rant had it spelled as “Nock Nock”, as did the end credits. Also the DJ’s screen when he was asking which version to play.

I used to not care about how I referred to my multiple battered-seafood stops as long as the food was good (I highly recommend Duke of Perth in Chicago, btw), but your story has me singing a different tuna

Other reviews of season 2 have not been glowing, to put it mildly. It seems fairly clear it’s due to the season being in so much turmoil during production (difficulties of changing horses in midstream, time pressure & budgetary concerns, all the behind-the-scenes drama, etc.). Hopefully with Gaiman finishing his split

So why did the one dude (was he Lin’s assistant? not that it would make this any less questionable) have Saya’s katana with him at a diner?
For that matter, going back a couple episodes, why would Saya bring her katana to a house party?

My take is that nu-greg is supposed to be that way (having escaped across the country to do what he really wants to do & is thus in a much better place psychologically) but I agree in that it feels like Skylar Astin overshoots the mark

Tom Hanks’ voice too

Always been struck by Todd Robert Anderson’s facial resemblance to Tom Hanks in general, and his performance as Vernon to Hanks’ more manic goofball “Bachelor Party” era in specific.  Anyone else see this?

Rudolph is remarkably good here, her pie-eyed exhaustion at having braved a Black Friday sale”

Sounds like she could use a nice buhb-buhl bath

Yeah, this setup probably won’t be getting a passing grade in your standard Experimental Methodology course.  Where’s the double-blind observer?  A control group?

If we’re talking D&D ability points, although Jacksonville dirtbag Jason may have rolled a 3 or a 4 on Intelligence, looks like he somehow scored around a 17 on Wisdom (also clearly a high roll on Charisma, and given the dance background, likely Dexterity as well).

Bonus question: what character class is Jason best

Haven’t seen “Empire Records”, but the video store setting & customer snob-trolling totally felt like Championship Vinyl and Barry (Jack Black) from “High Fidelity” to me
Also the rooftop had to have been “500 Days of Summer”

At first I thought Heather was ordering “Bar” to send them drinks/snacks (as in the bar itself, like it were robotic or magical or something). Which was too far out of even this show’s reality to actually be the case.
Then I realized I kindof liked the idea of Heather being so great at her management job that her

kudos Good Place! On behalf of all my fellow asians, please keep doing your part to blow up those racist stereotypes of us being nothing but smart, industrious nerds ;-D
(I do like how the sheer “Florida Man”-ness of Jason & his homeboize supercedes all other considerations of race)

(which if memory serves, describes the inside of a Shawn cocoon, not “slimy” [which is picking a semantic nit, agreed {but I will say that there is a qualitative difference between the two (plus I just think the word “gooey” is funnier) } ] )

So glad this show is back to lavish us with all its gooey goodness!

nice John Mulaney shoutout

Hi Donna - I have fond memories of your insights on NewsRadio & Sports Night (among others), nice to see that your writing chops are still sharp as ever - good to have you back!

couple things about the space teaser: 1) nice little shoutout to Archer & Trinette’s mostly-forgotten wee baby, as the ship’s (the Merchant Vessel Seamus) computer systems come back online, and 2) the fact that Pam’s cryopod was bigger than everyone else’s made me giggle

ETA: a bit of googling refreshed my memory that

I call BS on Axe (or the show writers) - either he’s being willfully blind to how he undercut & pushed Taylor out, or he’s unwittingly blind to how he did so. So one way he’s stupid (which he has not been written to be so far for 3 seasons), or the other way he’s, I dunno, a slave to plot service?

“Eeen my club, I weel splash ze pot whenever I fuckeeng please!”