
Excellent piece in COS, Allison - have you read Orson Scott Card’s essay on the nature of fear? I know that so much of what we now know about Card is incredibly squicky and problematic, but much of his early non-fiction work on writers and writing was actually quite insightful.

What made me think it’s not just another dream sequence is that, with every other “Barry imagines good things” this season the show then snaps back to reality. Here they cut to black mid-word.*
Yes it’s entirely possible that the show broke with its own established storytelling vernacular just for the sake of

I’d fallen a couple weeks behind in my Lucifer viewing, and now that the bad news has come out I’m having a really hard time firing up the DVR - I think my hindbrain is telling me that if I never actually watch the final 3 episodes, the series will never really end... :-(

I had convinced myself that the whole bliss-at-the-lake-house coda was another one of Barry’s wishful fantasies of love with Sally, and that Janice putting the pieces together was his dream-self coming to realize that such a life would never actually work out. Which kept me expecting the screen to then flash back to

nicely done variant of the Rake Gag!

right, Phil (before he became Tandy) had his suicide derailed by finding Carol

Loved the effect of the abrupt cutout of the soundtrack. But the noodge in me couldn’t help but nitpick that either there’d be some noise from the crash, or it should be totally silent. They dropped the thrash metal to emphasise the shock of Taylor & Vaughan’s lives being snuffed out, but it kinda felt like they

I’ve come to accept that the show’s mission is to take some brilliant comic voice talent, draw up some fantastic (and surprisingly well-rounded) characters for that talent to inhabit, and turn them loose in a variety of settings and genres that Adam Reed happens to find interesting/amusing/funny.

and a small (possibly/probably coincidental) shoutout - wasn’t Kostroff’s character on the Wire named Maurice?

so the Switcheroo child actor was Versace murderer Andrew Cunanan?

Sugar - Copper Blue: A Good Idea, Changes, Helpless

Racist snooty old bitch is also a brain that would be less inclined (as in not motivated in the slightest) to change its behavior in any way. Why be self-aware & modify your actions when you’re already a better class of person than everyone else? (sez the brain)

I agree that the doggydoor/peephole line sounded absolutely filthy, but I’m somewhat shamed to admit that I’m not really clear on what the hell it actually means

My heart doth overfloweth, for PEMBLETON IS BACK IN THE BOX!!!
Okey, not quite, but I suspect that’s as close as we’re ever gonna get, and boy does it make me happy :-D

Loved the squid insults, but if vague memories of grade-school mythology textbooks serve, isn’t a “hydra” some sort of lizard/dragon/serpent with multiple heads/necks? As in “cut off a **head** & 2 grow back”, not “cut off an arm or tentacle...” Looks like Ghidorah from the Godzilla movies, not like Hank from Finding

Is this the only review on this site of SCD that you’ve read? Because Andrea’s reviews of other episodes of this show have been critical where deserved. So, seeing that there’s been a range of grades so far, I would think that it’s possible that this review was positive because, well, maybe the episode itself was a

falling merrily down the rabbit hole: the owner of Japopo’s is played by Paul Ben-Victor, who played Steve the Snitch on NYPD Blue, which was created & written by David Milch, who also created & wrote Deadwood...

Also speaking of Justified reunions, wasn’t Nazi Boone (from last episode) the Harlan County backyard MMA fighter who wanted to get into chicken fighting, ended up cuffed to the back of a van after kicking Raylan’s ass (& then Raylan shot him in the gut with a beanbag gun)?

Thank you Kate for this, quite a nice surprise. Brings back the fonder memories of a not-so-great time in my life - been too long, time for another return trip!

& Probst is even **more** of an idiot than I thought, if that’s his reason to require the urns get broken in order! The producers have at least a few minutes (if not hours) before the exile gets to the island - if the exile is someone they like, off-camera they can easily move a you-get-to-play message into the “next”