
the tale of Essie Tregowan/MacGowan was one of my favorite parts of the book, and I’m so very happy that the show did right by it. I don’t think the show means to imply that there’s any actual blood relation from Essie to Laura, but I do like that the use of Emily Browning in both roles (and a nice little acting

great regret: had a chance to see Nirvana at Irving Plaza in NYC but passed on it, for reasons I've managed to block/erase from my memory

I believe the poster is a shoutout to the iconic portrait of Black Panther Huey Newton

seems a bit on-the-nose, but have they used anything by White Zombie / Rob Zombie?

Ed Chambers literally eats Jared's lunch, yes?

"slapping your body against the cyberterrorist in a vulgar parody of the act of love" - I need more Gilfoyle in my life describing things

well we know Chenowith can definitely handle it, and I read somewhere that Lee Pace has some pretty decent vocal chops as well

it amuses me to think that Chilton's middle name was "Kenny"

sorry to hear that about Marcella - I was considering trying it out too, also for the sole reason that Anna Friel was in it

I might be the only person in the universe who identifies Lauren Graham primarily from her fantastic 3-4 episode guest spot on NewsRadio :-)

this episode was written/shot before Sir Roger passed away, but I like that the coincidental timing of it does kindof work like that - thanks @disqus_QLvv80xvFq:disqus for pointing it out!

"too busy biting James Bond's cable car wire" - somewhat indirect and obscure, yet perfectly on target… my new favorite Jonah putdown!

ummm, not sure how you think the lead singer of Archers of Loaf works into this?

I kinda like that it's become kindof a running gag (theme? trope?) to have a
cloud of pointy things sailing out of the woods and turning someone into
a porcupine

As others noted, it's Star-brite instead of Star-dust, but I actually thought that the motel name was an easter-egg call-out to Baldur being the god of light. Which is also why Laura visually sees him in the way that she does "he is so fair of feature, and so bright, that light shines from him"
Nice catch of the

I had a total Archer flash when they showed the Odin ICBM :-)
"Was that because it was animated, Barry?"
"It probably was, Other Barry!"

yes, kudos to the casting director on this one!

just struck me - from these coming-to-america prologues its pretty clear that what the Old Gods want is blood and pain and death (even those like the mammoth (Nanuini?) who “loved his people”), and the New Gods are no better (they want our minds and choice and volition - death by suffocation instead of dismemberment)

So iZombie and West Wing exist in the same universe?
Sorry if this was covered elsewhere, but during the debrief scene at Fillmore Graves my brain just registered that Major's mission took place in Qumar :-O Think that FG's gonna send its mercs to Equatorial Kundu next?

a year later & I'm still blown away when I think about Harris' expressions (I'm not an actor but I think it's called "face-work" maybe?) when Lucifer revealed his true self to her