
Male-pattern baldness Poovey is the worst (and yet somehow simultaneously the best ) Poovey

Definitely not!
Probably not due to any customers' unease about retaliation from the proprietors, but more that management reaaaaally had the kitchen & wait staff highly-motivated to do well

I want to put Andre Braugher's reading of the word "Poconos" on continuous loop in my everyday life

well actually I might - (to continue using your lovely metaphor) if taking that shit was so irritatingly painful that it made me question whether or not I could stand ever taking a shit again, and if that sandwich and facebook somehow could give me some relevant insight as to whether or not I could live without ever

Long time ago there was a trio of fantastic italian restaurants on the same intersection down in the Bowery / East Village area of NYC.
Everyone was convinced they were money-laundering fronts because A) the cost was _ridiculously_ low for the high quality of the cooking, and B) all business was strictly cash-only.

thanks for the analysis & advice - still pretty much on the fence, but might be leaning towards giving it a shot from the beginning

Holy crap Hannah is worse than scraping Kellyanne Conway's incisors across a slate chalkboard

I just noticed that after OLU & Reynard vanish, Julia no longer has the gun. She's shown lowering the weapon, and continuing to hold it with both hands, but they never show her putting it away. Could be a continuity error? Or did the gods take it with them when they vamoosed?

Just rewatched & my speculation was off base - although OLU doesn't actually say anything, Julia specifically asks "Did you know what he was doing?", OLU can't
look Jules in the eye and bows her head down slightly, and then Julia
says "Of course you did."
So OLU didn't give enough fucks to do
anything until there was

Just rewatched & you're right - OLU doesn't actually say anything, but Julia specifically asks "Did you know what he was doing?", OLU can't look Jules in the eye and bows her head down slightly, and then Julia says "Of course you did."
So OLU didn't give enough fucks to do anything until there was an actual consequence

They're gods, so the universe's and regular mortals' capacity for generating consequences is pretty severely limited. The gods act like there are no repercussions because there _are_ no repercussions for them. Absolute power and all that
So yes, it would have felt reaaaally satisfying for Jules to take advantage of

gotta somehow maneuver them around so their heads are lined-up, so you can take them both out with your single god-killer bullet…

wrote this above, but applies here too as far as Persephone bearing responsibility…
"As far as OLU not caring about her followers, one possibility
(admittedly thin, but I'm just spitballing) is that because OLU has been
"missing" she didn't know or didn't realize that Reynard was targeting
and punishing / lashing out

As far as OLU not caring about her followers, one possibility (admittedly thin, but I'm just spitballing) is that because OLU has been "missing" she didn't know or didn't realize that Reynard was targeting and punishing / lashing out at her followers.
Of course, if this is the case, I have no idea how to explain how

Absolutely agreed, but I suppose I'd managed to build up some sort of a protective hearing-callus and didn't notice it any more. Until last nite's tribal council soundtrack ripped it away from my ears, that is

solely from a production perspective, I thought the whole scene would have been so much more powerful (both ugly and uplifting) with zero soundtrack (following David Simon's rule from The Wire - no sounds that aren't digetic). Instead we got intrusive, manipulative strings - ugh.

^this^ - I wanted to shoot the orchestra

I'm in love with Judy Greer -
and I'm more than a little worried about what that says about me…

Titus Andronicus did a whole Civil War album, I think titled "The Monitor" - was anything on there about the subs?

just an fyi, the actual hypertext syntax you need to get your spoiler text hidden is to use the word "spoiler" instead of "spoil", and to use ">" and "<" instead of "]" and "["