
Fucking Millenials!
Actually, considering humans become "get-off-my-lawn" crotchety in just 6-7 decades, I'd say the elder dragon actually showed considerable restraint in her language…

actually, given the budgetary differences between Magacians and, say, Game of Thrones, I was pretty satisfied with the cgi they came up with. I was afraid it was either gonna be on the Scorpion King side, or something like a giant eye glimpsed murkily through the darkness

A different style of disastrous implosion, but I kept thinking "Leeeroy Jenkins!!!" when they showed Tai freaking out

I love how good she is at the game, but absolutely despise that she's from the "I'm great, I know I'm great, and I'm gonna make sure you & everybody else knows I'm great" school of self-aggrandizement

wow, this was a fantastic read - loved getting a glimpse into a highly-specific area of expertise, minutiae, and obsession that was _not_ related to pop-culture!

[dogfart upvote] for Kazak

upvoted (up-commented?) for NewsRadio shoutout!

Although on further reflection, cockiness had nothing to do with her going home tonight. Maybe I've just been irritated by the editors, in that every single confessional with her has been some variation of "I'm the best & if you dare to cross me you're f*cked"

I'm in no way a qualified mental-health professional, but Debbie's edit just screams delusional manic-depression. Or at least what my layman's impression of what that would look like

I've felt this season that Sandra's (entirely justifiable!!!) "the-Queen-Stay-the-Queen" cockiness has blossomed into smug & entitled arrogance. And the 1st lesson of Survivors-past has always seemed to be that, as soon as you think you're on top, you are actually very much about to be out (or perhaps it's that

didn't realize MM was working on the show, very cool! and the soundbite shoutout makes sense now too

yep, that was my point - the "not men" line being Devo's signature line / motto / catchphrase, that is

"Are we not men?!?"

agreed, the straw she's drawn is reaaaaaally short & shitty - but then again, on this show nobody's really been having a romp in the park (beset by soulless murdering magician-beasts and sadistic raping trickster-gods, finding that magical Fillory is bogged-down by blah & mundane politics & infrastructure issues…)

that was Marlee Maitlin, and she's won an Academy Award, by the way - it was for Best Actress if I remember correctly
& yep, she was on West Wing too

and woot! dragons ahoy!

good catch - according to IMDB, Fen was played by Laci Mailey for her one appearance in the 1st season, and this season is played by Brittany Curran

Actually, as a little Easter Egg nod to the books, she's named after a totally kick-ass martial artist from a discarded plotline

…changing my name to Fred Flexion…

sorry to be that guy, but Gail is Mary Steenburgen, and you didn't list Todd