
I appreciated LMOE's live-action take on the classic rake gag (from the Simpsons & Sideshow Bob)

I find the character incredibly grating as well. But I'm choosing to believe that it plays into the show's point (from the pilot and onwards) of loneliness being the deepest of all hells. So in a world where you have no choice beyond a tiny handful of other individuals, you make your family / community as best you

agreed wholeheartedly on Sunshine - I've never felt such a visceral crash from swept-along-in-glory to what-the-holy-fuck-disappointment as I did watching that movie in the theater when it first came out

umm, when you say "Julia gets to be happy and relieved", I think the phrase you're actually looking for is "giddily sociopathic"

Richard Kind makes pretty much everything better

from his irritatingly-nonstop hyperactivity and paranoia I'd armchair-diagnose Tony as perma-flying on coke/meth, but I'm not sure a pile of blow would be allowed as a "personal item"

Sandra has always proclaimed her strategy to be "anyone as long as it's not me." & apparently that's true - that is, as long as you don't piss her off (like Tony did this week). Then she's full bore knives out locked onto (one single) target…

Golem-Elliot would've turned back into clay,
Penny was the one telling Quentin to move Quentin's ass after Golem-Elliot got cut down.
I was trying to say that the writers could've given Penny a better line that would've presented a quick & easy explanation why they weren't worried about leaving a body behind

I don't remember Sandra being this arrogant & entitled in the past - is my memory faulty? She's acting like her previous 2 wins somehow have granted her the _right_ to be the shot-caller & "queen bee"

in light of it being Buffy week here at AVClub… Alan Sepinwall notes (and I totally agree): "killing off the version of Alice that we knew and replacing her with
this amoral, power-hungry Niffin has done the same favor for Olivia
Taylor Dudley that turning Angel into Angelus once did for David
Boreanaz. She never

Same possibility as I just wrote above - it looked like it really sucks for Elliot (possibly to a traumatic/debilitating
extent?) to come to back in Fillory when his golem gets offed
Other than that, I totally agree with you as to why using golems would be the smart thing to do - but then again, with low/no risk to the

"Why didn’t Penny just sit on top of the gold bars while he was loading
them up, or flash in and out with each gold bar? Were they worried about
leaving Eliot’s easily identifiable body inside the bank?"

I was actually waiting for Elliot to say "hey I'm wearing a golem body, so why don't I tackle her while the rest of you escape"?
But then it looked like it really sucked (possibly to a traumatic/debilitating extent) to wake up back in Fillory when your golem's neck's been slashed, so maybe that's why not

also shrugged-off, the Haxen(?) apparently wasn't trying to get out of the trunk to escape, but rather to protect/defend the people who'd rescued it (instead of running away it jumped on the inviso-spoon-goblin)

didn't see the Next Week On, but upvoted for "All Of Me"!!!
However - although Jason Ralph is a fine actor, I can't see him coming close to matching Steve Martin's sheer genius from that movie (I know it's 30+ years old, but any genuine fan of physical acting/comedy should go find a copy immediately & watch the hell

I miss the polite fighting! Thought they'd "be back soon", but it's been, like, 8 months?
Woulda loved to hear Gus & Teti break down the glorious mind-fuckery that Legion is turning out to be

Thank you!

I'm Taiwanese-American, with a traditional story of my folks coming here to make a better life for their family. They're very traditional in manner (stern, reserved) as well. "I love you" is implied, and in the subtext of everything that they do for you. Love is understood, so for myself (and from what I've heard

didn't miss crazypants say "influential"?
[too lazy to go back & find the actual line]

Kady = Asmodeus = Bad Ass