
off-topic: so how does one block-out text (so as to hide spoilers) in a comment? is this a Disqus thing?
<spoilers> testing testing testing </spoilers> ok, that wasn't it…

I think he's really enjoying stepping out from his "seethingly-angry tough-guy bad-ass" trademark. Judging from the talk-show circuit (especially Conan) he apparently has a great, quick sense of humor & doesn't take himself seriously at all - I think he might've been feeling pigeon-holed a bit by being known

Yes pretty significant burden for most, but looks like either A) Sheila needs to consume her own body weight in meat every couple of days, like a (horned toad? hummingbird? skink? I forget which animal does this), or B) she's killing unnecessarily often, just for the show's dramatic/comedic effect ;-)

Do zombies need exponentially more food than an average pre-death person? Wondering because 150-ish pounds of steak (or flash-frozen seafood) would last a family of four humans for a month at least. And this show slows down a bunch (or does a lot of time jumps) if Sheila only needs to kill every now & again

Justified shoutout? In that "Gary" is the name of both Sheila's rapey douchebag coworker in Santa Clarita and Winona's weaselly douchebag husband in Harlan?

Guessing (I've only watched this first episode) that they might be laying the groundwork for him to deserve getting eaten at a later date

no worries, just a minor detail - and agreed with Count Erpoint below, in general you're doing just fine!

thing is, they had been loading just fine up until this week (I'm using Firefox), and I haven't changed any browser settings - deliberately, that is, who knows what's happened with various forced/background updates

Good point on the tired trope of neutering / neutralizing gay sexuality on TV. But I don't think it necessarily or entirely applies here…

I think they're using it in a Soderberg-ian "hey audience we're in a different location" shorthand. & maybe the muted/moody tones are meant to signify that the "real" world (New York) is soooo much more blah and mundane than places where magic is in the forefront (Brakebills, Fillory)?

hey Randall, you put your spoiler alert in one phrase too late - I know, picking nits, but my browser can't load the LSK episodes for some reason

the Beast is a Broadway showtunes kinda sadistic mass-murderer?!?!? Oh be still my beating heart!

I'm wondering if (hoping that) the vial of Quentin's blood & the candy-gardening witch will come back into play
btw, can't remember - was it Hansel & Gretel's fairy tale where they run into a witch who lives in a house made of candy?

I heard the loophole line as Martin warning Julia he sees she's left herself ways by which she's gonna try & take him out after their contract on Reynard is concluded

umm, maybe spoilers to follow - but it's been a while since I've read the books so I might be remembering completely wrong too…
I think show-Kady is book-Asmodeus? (battle-magic bad-ass, younger female, from the online group that Julia had to solve ridiculous puzzles to find)

dramatic idol play, and an accurate choice - but did I see correctly that it turned out they didn't need it (Zeke had 5 votes)?
EDIT: didn't read all the comments, my question answered (yes it was an unnecessary use of an idol)

picking nits - Gary's a volleyball, dangit, not a beach ball!

That's what I thought as well, and was psyched that they were setting up a guest shot somewhere down the line. But on second viewing (after I cleared some of the dust from the air) I reluctantly concluded that it wasn't Spacey

In my life in general I've always had a pretty high need for certainty and closure. But I recently lost my father, and I would cut off my own arm to buy half an ounce of uncertainty that he might not be gone, even if it meant I could never see him again. Lewis & Tandy's kidnapping/roadtrip was an absolute gutpunch,

also, SO happy they cast an actor who can actually play the piano, for a scene where he plays the piano!