
Max annoys the living crap out of me (as the character's supposed to, so good work writers & actor I guess?), but dang did my heart break with her's…

Half-expected a voiceover to intone “this is my design” as a bar of light windshield-wiped across the screen ;-)
I’d like to think that Cheo Coker was doing a little tribute to Hannibal, when he wrote/shot Detective Knight’s crime scene analysis

Arya retreived Needle, and she blew out the lights - I think the Waif better watch her ass!

"make no mistake, the dead are coming" - shivers!

all the awww's in westeros for Gilly & Sam when she walks out in her new gown (completley aside from everything else at all)

Gus, I don't think the scene belittles Hodor's sacrifice - he's still loyal & strong, he just needed a push to get him started. Here's how I saw it:
1) Bran, while greenseering, hears Meera begging him to do something, and then wargs (Hodor goes white-eyed) into Hodor long enough to get him moving.
Note, I think

Ironically for a show that Tropper brought to a close because it had run its course, there were just too many story and character lines to do justice in only 8 episodes.

The BAMMER - Woot!!!

I might be mis-remembering (and a quick google search doesn't help), but
I thought Calvin's day job was at the FBI or DEA or NSA or some other
law enforcement department? (Wasn't there some minor plotline where he
was basically using his day job to mole info to the Brotherhood?)

& now I want to hear Pony as done by Lemmy and the gang…

I'm enjoying this show quite a bit, but it seems to be making zero splash (at least among AVC readers). Any word on its ratings in general?

"You're Not My Supervisor!!!"
I know a lot of this is probably just editing, but it drives me nuts that this apparently is Cydney's overriding if not only decision-making principle

of course that's entirely possible, but I think it'd be more fun if Archer's getting sucked into Katya's orbit (phrasing!) again somehow

pretty sure that Imposter-Veronica-Deane was voiced in Ep.1 by Ona Grauer, who is not listed in the credits for this episode. Real-Veronica-Deane is voiced by Mary McDonald-Lewis, who is credited this ep.

the head clown also sounded like Danny Elfman to me (picture Jack Skellington from a Nightmare Before Christmas in your head when he speaks)

Was the lead clown voiced by Danny Elfman? Not in the credits, but it sounded like him to me, plus there was the "Oingo" and "Boingo" henchclown names.

Lawrence of Arabia, in a 70mm restored print. In terms of story-telling it didn't connect with me (that era's sensibilities / tropes / whatnot just not meshing with my more modern frame or expectations), but holy cow were the visuals stunning

upvoted for your Wire advice

aha, knew I knew him from somewhere, but knew it weasn't from the shows mentioned above - thanks for the catch! (I was too lazy to IMDB)

Banshee Season 5 - "Also A Hellmouth"