

no worries, thanks for the tip - I'm just gonna have to go do some digging now

holy crap, I had no idea she was even in this show, and after reading your comment I still couldn't figure it out (had to IMDB it)

that could be it, I know I read the Wild Cards series a long time ago - do you recall the name of the ace?

caught the reference to the singer, knew of the band, but only reading your "Nice" just now did I catch the joke - doh!

well, crewmate Austin jumped off a cliff, and Steve Austin was a test pilot, so perhaps a flying connection? No clue about Capricorn One. Crewmate Taylor went nuts, and Charlton Heston thought he was going nuts? Maybe?
Anyone else?

does this count as a "bottle" episode? cuz it's a good one!

My dislike of both Effie and Jason has grown to the point that I kindof want "Leisure Class" to tank, just for the sheer schadenfreude of it

I thought they heavily implied that the croc DID eat a monkey! (shot of monkeys swimming, then of croc swimming, then of monkey suddenly disappearing under the surface).
The monkey probably just dived, but in the moment I totally thought "Survivor: Primate Snuff Film!"

I keep saying this, because it's true…

I had to pause the DVR a couple times & take a break from sheer heebie-jeebies (so, um, good job Married for evoking such a visceral reaction?) Just cannot stand A.J.'s habit of mis-interpreting others' hesitancy (or questioning, or really any response at all) as unqualified enthusiastic acceptance of his current

"I laugh, because if I start crying I'll never stop." (I'm paraphrasing, & also can't remember what movie/book this came from)

Life forces everyone at times to play unwelcome, unpleasant, or scary
(yet necessary) roles. I really liked how this episode showed characters
accepting these parts without sacrificing humor or snark, yet not
sugarcoating the sometimes difficult realities of their situation. In
submission one can sometimes find a

It's been said (including here on AVClub) that it usually takes comedies a good chunk of their 1st seasons to figure out what they are and what they can be, and to start fulfilling that potential.
With any luck this episode is a sign that Leary & company are hitting that stage. Things have never quite gelled for me,

LOVE this show, in large part because it's not escapist, but rather because it *understands*. Nobody wants to confront the idea that they’re a teachers’ aide & not an astronaut. Although I do like how the show usually subverts the execution of the traditional sit-com plots, I also think it's at its weakest when it

thanks for the link!

Russ has WPF - "Whiny Pouter Face"

well that sucks! had not heard about this, do you have any links to the original behind-the-scenes stories/reports?

"You’re better than this - We both know that that’s not true"
*Love* this line, been on both ends of it. A lot of times we're *not* by nature the better person! But in the end we shouldn't (and don't) do some shitty thing - just because it's wrong, and not because we're somehow innately good

Popped into my brain a good couple days after I'd watched the show, simply would not leave (not continuously, but every few minutes here & there), and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where it had come from :-(
But unlike other earworms, it wasn't really irritating - in fact it was kindof nice having it