
Not traditional garb, but if they’re influenced by Marvel, that figure could be Hela, godess of the underworld

The fact they are interested in the dual aspect of Batman in this game is a great change of pace. Not saying it’s better than just being Batman and divebombing idiots with guns, but it’ll be great to experience nonetheless

This will not be accurate.

Speaking as someone who doesn’t own a PS4 (big Team ICO fan though), it’s realistic to expect that the game will not live up to the hype and will probably have some reviews that compare it to the hype (I probably will frankly).

There is no way we are less than a year out on this game.

Looking forward to the mission where we turn into Space Salamanders.

The funniest part was the explanation for the change in ammo (i.e. the entry discussing Geth technology and what not).

Not really. The review conveyed that the game was more of the same. Anyone who has played the games before will know what that means.

It definitely reviews the Uncharted series as a whole and concludes that Uncharted 4 is more of the same. Not exactly an earth-shattering revelation, but it gave the information needed to people who have previously played the series to decide if the game would be worth buying.

That’s my go to too. No Ghandi, you can’t have an open border agreement with me. Why? BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS SETTLE IN A CRAPPY PLACE.

I just looked and Civ V is only my second most played game...behind Civ IV. And then I did the math and I have legitimately spent 20 full days playing those games. I shudder to think what that number would be if Steam had tracked Civ II & III.

I do think they could have implemented it a little better (like letting units end in a square with another unit but only let one of them be able to defend or maybe they both take significant hits to their defense). It was just frustrating that you basically had to put your single square attakc units into a city’s line

Honestly, the last time I would say a Civ game was definitively better than its successor was II —> III. Since then each game has had a lot to like and some changes I wasn’t thrilled about. Can’t wait to buy VI though and enjoy it all over again.

You can’t figure out what makes the highlight interesting when the guy randomly floating into the sky? Or when someone gets punched into the skybox?

I think people are thinking about it in the 80s when it actually was good. And using the 90s as an excuse to undo things because they were bad would basically lead to us just getting rid of all comics since the 90s were just a dumpster fire.

I agree. I just enjoy petulant Peter so mcuh.

“the marriage was part of the original concept (like the Fantastic Four)“

I wouldn’t describe it as drunk, but you’re not alone in disliking Krahulik’s art trend

Because origin stories are easier to write than stories with accomplished protagonists.

You, me, and others have been asking this question. I just looked up their sales from the Spider-Island crossover in 2011, which had them at 114, 127, 154 in sales for the month for issues 1-3.