@paintbox: I'm anti-microsoft. I voted for Firefox.
@paintbox: I'm anti-microsoft. I voted for Firefox.
@Rolcol: Here is the evidence I'm bringing to the table. In the past Hive Five polling, the best linux distribution only got to 17,039 votes. This browser poll took in 37,296 votes. More than DOUBLE the Linux Distro war. I looked at the more recent ones and here is my data:
I think this was hacked because when I voted, IE was a distant last place and the order went Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE.
@Rolcol: WTF... How'd my comment get up here?
@ssj4Gogeta: He's right. Chromium for Linux does not have tabbed browsing yet. It's still far from completion. I added the Ubuntu PPA repository for chromium. I also think you misunderstood. I didn't read that thinking that he was saying that Firefox was based off of Chrome/Webkit. When chromium starts up, it…
@johnsmith1234: I agree with JkDefrag. The standard executable is portable and it has a 64bit version.
@Abid Chaudhry: I've heard that the iPhone and iPod Touch are encrypted in some way.
@Arran Mj North: MKV is just a container. It's most commonly used for High Definition video on BitTorrent.
That article said $50 to shovel a driveway... I'd do it!
Vote: System Rescue CD
Stick it to the man! My school only blocks firefox's user agent. You can easily get past by spoofing it to MSIE 7.0.
I'd still prefer to watch it with VLC. Do you know of a way?
Is there a way I can use VLC for the streaming sites?
Here's a site that allows you to Google search through SSL and it uses POST rather than GET for its queries. They claim to 'forget' your IP address before sending to google.
I just wish it had more levels. It's just one level with varying levels of difficulty.
@NeoXY: I use Burn ([burn-osx.sourceforge.net]) to create menu-less DVDs. It's simplistic and converts the file to .mpg.