
"There will be no levity in our movie about a flying man."

Thank god. I was waiting for another pop culture thing to get outraged about.

I thought there'd be enough horny, violence-craved teenagers to give Sin City a decent opening, but it looks like I was wrong. Sin City is one of those rare films that I felt embarrassed watching even with no one else watching it with me. I had to turn it off 20 minutes in so I have no idea if it got any better.

I'm still shocked that they somehow managed to edit this enough to where it can be viewed without nudity and without a total running time of 10 minutes.

Any word on if there's gong to be any entry for the 69 Boyz? They single handedly got me to stop doing the Butterfly.

I didn't like The Road to Wellville, but for some reason the kid's bratty "MEAT AND POTATOES!" chant still occasionally pops into my head.

Now I really want to know where she stands on the Joel vs. Mike debate.


Best Swedish song to break out in 94, even if my punk rock leanings at the time meant that I wasn't "allowed" to like it.


Can't wait for the "Geezers in Freezers" supercut.

Morrissey and his fucking puns. I swear to god, in another life he'd be touring the Catskills with some sub-Borscht Belt humor.

I'm pretty sure Hannity knows jack shit about the Minimalist program.

Someone's pissed that Moon Boy gets all the Cersei action.

So what's the difference between making a bad movie on purpose and just making a low budget b-movie with a goofy premise? Are all low budget b movies "bad on purpose" now?

Wings: the band the Beatles could have been.

I had that 1989 soundtrack playing in my car for half a year, knowing fully well that it wasn't Prince at his best. I still have a soft spot for Trust and Partyman.

A shitty person performing a shitty song for a shitty movie.

When I saw these early episodes I never would have guessed that Crixus would become my favorite character.

Just finished the series yesterday after a week of marathoning it. It's so rare that a show ends with such a perfect, satisfying conclusion. In fact, I have a hard time believing that someone who's into GOT wouldn't get into this show, since they have so much in common minus the magic element.