
Well done, Sir!


I, for one, get all my scooter-related videos from Jalopnik. I do not waste time scouring Facebook for my scooter-related videos.


Thank you for your service.

Thanks for your service.

Now playing

Literally a 2 second search is all it took to come up with a rebuttal to your complaint. I’m sure there are hundreds more videos like it – in fact Delta has an entire marketing campaign around how they treat fallen soldiers who come home on their flights. That’s not (entirely) the point though.

@rolandeschain I absolutely agree. The local police department installed red light cameras and a year later they were rolling in cash. New armoured vehicle, new firing range, new patrol cars, doubled the administrative staff, yada, yada, all without new taxes or bonds. Hmmmm. Advocates point out how they reduce the

The driver of that truck pulled over just past the intersection, his passenger was an EMT.

He wasn’t endorsing a song. He was endorsing the “It’s On Us” campaign.

I think you are confusing speeding with reckless driving. On many of the highways and parkways in my area, just north of NYC, 65+ is typically the flow of traffic. 70+ in the left lane. If you are doing the speed limit of 55 in the middle or left lane, guess who is the danger? It’s not everyone maintaining the flow of

The reckless drivers, likely drive reckless pas the police as well. It more likely helps remind the not reckless driver who just happens to be cruising a bit over the speed limit, with no lane switching that there are cops out there and they should slow down. In terms of safety the person weaving in and out of traffic

Say what you will about Lady Gaga but this song.... This song I get.

I can’t believe I’m seeing people actually hating on Gaga here. Fuck you guys. She did great.

Yeah, why do cops chase anyone? Just go to their house after dinner and politely ask them to come with you! I’m sure that’s not dangerous or anything. I mean, why even have cops? Just let people do whatever they want! Just so a retard who is willing to die over a lawnmower can have his life spared...?

This guy is scarier than Trump to me.

Hot (unpopular) take: The Newsroom was preachy, a scold, and ridiculous. But I loved it. I wish it was still on the schedule if for no other reason for their internet expert kid could finish his expose of “people can be assholes on the Internet”

Yep. Fuck Beyonce’s bullshit act. Adele is the real deal.

She’s such a badass. I love the idea of some Sony exec trying to get on her back for this and her shutting him *down* in her fantastic Croydon accent. “You fucking WOT?”

It didn’t matter for Adele the goddess. A bit sharp but who the fuck cares? Adele was on stage and we all win. We all win.