
1) not for 20 years, now, but I do visit my mother. It makes her happy. Usually.

Neither has his wife. For completely different reasons.

All those things in the article were GOP selling points. What lost him the race before it even started was this:

He's hung like an elevator button.

Nope, I’m betting his is an innie. Please consider the cameltoe as shown below. This person definitely suffers from buried penis syndrome.

Playing the long kan-ye.

Love this post.

Even with the best dermatologists and skincare, years of sun exposure will catch up with you. She’s 70 and as the saying goes, time waits for no man (or woman).

The wipers even have that anthropomorphic hands-up “Dude, WTF?” gesture.

I got the mpow magnetic smartphone mount that goes in your CD slot because I prefer to keep my vents pointed at me and usable. I love it and since all my music comes from my radio or phone, not having the cd slot readily accessible hasn’t been an issue. The magnet is quite strong and my phone has never dropped from

I got the mpow magnetic smartphone mount that goes in your CD slot because I prefer to keep my vents pointed at me

He who clicks with malintent has forgotten the face of his father.

Some advice from a gay man who has some experience with all things anal:

Jesus Christ you people are degenerate.

Sorry so many are coming down on you. It’s a symptom of the decrease in commenter quality, where people’s reading comprehension skills are nonexistent.

I’m pretty sure Miller would show that he cares, if the coaches gave him an opportunity to do so lol.

Most people down here cook their vegetables with a strip or two of bacon or a ham hock in the pot. It’s what flavors and thickens the “pot likker” in which cornbread is soaked or dunked. The South learned a long time ago how to stretch food a good ways—after the Civil War, when supply lines had been cut and whole

Apples and oranges. They weren't disrupting anyone's lives by sitting there. Disrupting traffic at an airport is going to piss people off, not make them feel sorry for BLM. lol

As much as I sympathize with BLM, they’re acting in ways that are counteractive to helping their cause. Yes, people should be aware of what happened to Jamar and the racial issues that exist in this state and in the cities. Yes, protesting is a valid form of relaying that message and showing how much it has affected

So, the police should have stayed home? Done nothing? Right. Protesting in the manner of occupying space/ vandalism and stealing is a victimless crime...unless you have a store in the MoA.