The number of people missing the blatant sarcasm in this post is both astounding and disheartening.
I would guess because of ease of set up. It’s relatively easy to carry around a set of spike strips. But for a cable, you need to have the cable, a way of making it taught enough to ensure it catches the car, and the hardest part, an anchor on either side of the road strong enough to not break when a car crashes into…
Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.
surveillance video from the CVS at Bellaire and Stella Link shows a man in his 20s briefly walk inside the store, and then leave. Minutes later, the 12-year-old victim entered the store following her mother and grandmother. Police say the girl went off by herself. The man entered again and quickly approached the girl. …
Child victims of sexual molestation or rape may not appear to object, because they do not understand what is happening to them, and just go along with whatever the adult wants. That's not consent, that's waiting for things to be over.
They’ve got top men working on it right now.
Is it wrong that I actually like the Ridgeline? It is more truck than I would need (5,000lbs towing, ~1,500lbs payload) and it actually handles like a car.
I’ve owned one of those vomit inducing POS for 10 years now. In short it is a rock solid city truck. Not a lick of trouble, returns 20mpg day in and day out. Seats the whole family fine. Hauls my motorcycle, goes to the dump, and is easy to park.
I hate this thread so much because for some reason everyone wants to reply with “The crime wasn’t so bad”, or “NOTHING necessitates that amount of force!”, as if you you were talking about either of those things.
1. Get the vehicle inspected before you buy it.
I hope you’ve got that pic printed and framed somewhere.
While I sort of agree, I also like it when artists can eat.
Just to jump into a debate that I will regret jumping into - if AR-15 rifles were only for killing, they wouldn’t sell nearly as many of them. They are, in fact, mostly used on targets.
Luck, really (manifested as a combination of factors). Locking the wheels in a spin will keep the car sliding in a predictable direction, i.e., the exact direction the momentum is taking it. This is done in the interest of safety more than as a way to “save” a possible impact, but it’s the rule you’re supposed to…
What are you some sorta tax and spend socialist! Don’t you know we can’t afford fancy new school busses, we’ve got a military to support and the job creators need another tax cut. Next thing you’re going to ask why don’t we have trains like that either. Why do you hate America?