I will watching ANYTHING that Krysten Ritter is even remotely involved with. She is so hot and charismatic and funny.
I will watching ANYTHING that Krysten Ritter is even remotely involved with. She is so hot and charismatic and funny.
Justin rubbing his clit.
I would happily pay the pay per view price to see Bieber get beat the fuck up.
Thank you for your merciless beat-down of at least one class of idiot that the world does not need.
Yes fitness facilities need lots of disabled parking. Many of them have physiotherapy clinics in them, and even those that don't have plenty of disabled clients who are going to that gym to do their rehab exercise. Source: I've worked in the industry for over a decade. Furthermore, you should not be offended at having…
Yesterday, a tongue-clicking, finger-wagging Syria op-ed penned by perpetually shirtless Russian President Vladimir…
I have a handicap parking placard. I'm also able to walk.
I would if I could but i can't so I won't.So next time you ask remember that I don't.
I find the whole process of tipping based on level of service very frustrating. From the conversations I've had with friends who wait tables, it seems that when people get a low tip, they generally think "That jerk was a cheapskate," not "Maybe my service was sub-par, what could I do to improve my service?"
It's like when you hear that your ex-girlfriend will do things for her new boyfriend that she would never do for you.
Glad they caught him. And yup, don't care that there are "unsolved murders, stop and frisks, bank heists unsolved" still out there. You know why? I grew up in the 70's and 80's in NYC when "petty crimes" like this were ignored. You know what made NYC the Disney Land, fuzzy and friendly place that everyone wants to…
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
Crime that hurt no one? That's like saying that you've driven home drunk a hundred times and hurt no one - and then bitch about being arrested for a victim-less crime on the 101st time. This is why we have laws against DUI - because eventually the drunk driver will hurt/maim/kill someone. This is the reason why…
Looks like a a PIT maneuver. Sometimes training just kicks in.
"Pardon me stewardess, I speak Jive."
I try to consider myself a fair, open-minded person with an appreciation for a wide range of human flaws, but when it comes to hurting animals I just can't even. Anyone who intentionally abuses an animal, whether it's someoen's pet or in the wild, is a shitty human, full stop. HULKSMASH.
"You're not a feminist if" is probably my most hated game, but I feel really comfortable with this one: You're not a feminist if you don't get that "reproductive rights" is not just the right to abortions, contraception, and sterilizations, but the right to not have an abortion, to not take contraception, to not be…