
As a member of said forum, one eagerly awaiting delivery of my LE, I read this with a big smile on my face, and an even bigger one when it made Jalopnik. MNAO is creating good karma.

Yeah, there was a “that’s what she said” joke in there somewhere, but I din’t have a spare fuck to give.

I call my fanny pack “AMEX”, because I never leave home without it.

You sure it wasn’t just automotive sexy times?

“Funny looking how?

They moved the Little Switzerland Tunnel of the Blue Ridge Parkway to New Zealand? I would shit on their second-hand tunnel too.

For us and those like us, my friend. I pity the others.

For me it was the fucking sunglasses. To wear them at this moment, when no one else is, is a sign of massive and uncontrolled douchicity

See, here’s where they get you. After many years I finally got a Prime subscription. Now, whenever I need something, I wind up looking on Amazon first, becasue I know I’ll get it in a couple of days.

See, here’s where they get you. After many years I finally got a Prime subscription. Now, whenever I need something,

And when they get in the bookie’s... Holy shit. I die every time. The squeeking dog destroys me too. Brilliant.

Not sure if...

Leftover beer?

Jig saws by their design generally don’t make great cuts, especially if you can’t clamp everything down very well. When I have metals to cut I usually go to my angle grinder with a diamond cutting wheel. Aluminum can also be cut by a circular or chop saw with carbide tips on the blade. Seriously, you can usually find

10. No. In South Florida, this will get you shot at.

9. No. In South Florida, this will get you shot at.

Don’t be a dick.

Dude, I can see all that and more from my house to the corner, in Miami. I kept waiting for something egregious, but all I saw was idiots being idiots.

OK, I believe you. Using an angle grinder is a terrible idea. First of all, do they even make a saw blade that you can attach to it? You have very little control when using the edge of the disk on an angle grinder, and if it had teeth, you would have even less.

“...I’d love to tell you about exiting a corner in a V8 miata. <friend> Not interested”.