Nah, they leave that to the cop hater/ex-con demographic in the comments section.
Nah, they leave that to the cop hater/ex-con demographic in the comments section.
This is not media hype. Here in Miami, we had someone try quite successfully, to eat another person's face off. When police arrived, he reacted like an extra on World War Z. His family said he only used marijuana, which we all know doesn't cause people to wig out like that. This caused authorities to start…
I wish.
You going to use that fancy new CDL to drive a truck you can see through when you turn your head and look backwards? Methinks you will be using your mirrors when you back up.
I've been a Rain-X user since the product debuted. Freaking love it when I'm on the expressway at speed and I don't even NEED the wipers in a shower. That said, when I'm in traffic and there's a lot of mist being thrown up, the occasional wipe is handy, and the rain-sensing wipers on my 4-series work very well.
I just reread my previous post and am wondering where you got that I said something that even remotely resembles that. All I said is that sometimes reporters (never mind bloggers who are not professional journalists) get facts wrong. People make statements all the time that are not as accurate as they could be. Not…
Your point is correct. The only caveat I might offer is that it is amazingly common for "facts" on media reports to be completely wrong. I've been on scenes where the Public Information Officer tells the media present what happened, and then read a completely different account written by the "journalist" that was…
...with prejudice.
I, for one, don't care for touch screens in cars. They are all fine and well when you're stationary, but moving, the slightest bump as your finger touches the screen will make you hit the wrong "button".
That was an excellent explanation. I work with ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) detectives, and this is exactly how they do it.
Tell me, why is he an asshole for doing his job as he is supposed to? I'm all for legalizing weed, it's absurd that people still get arrested for it. But it is the law. Cops don't make the law. Blame the legislature that keeps it illegal.
Pics or it didn't happen.
This. Boil the shells and heads for a few minutes and use the shrimpy water to cook the grits for shrimp and grits. Best evah.
That proverb is an asshole.
The one I put 100K miles on:
There are black hispanics, white ones, asian ones, pan-asian ones, middle-eastern-origin ones... Latin America, much like the US, is comprised of a small (relatively) number of indigenous peoples and a whole bunch of people from all over the world.
Yeah, I read that later.