
Damn, I don’t have any good ones for this. Unsurprisingly I was a weird kid that loved anything horror/scary. I started reading Stephen King when I was around seven I think? When I was nine and my brother was turning 14, Wegman’s had just started doing a thing where you could rent a VCR and movies. My Mom let my

The movie Arachnophobia had me worried about spiders under the toilet seat. I had to check before and sometimes during.

Or even just reducing the defense budget to reasonable levels.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called our national debt “disturbing”

What else do you have to say about this subject, Jezebel man?

Take the loss, man. Nobody wanted manpinions on breastfeeding.

Right. A point I made a couple weeks ago to much liberal consternation. Presidents nominate judges. Due to Republican obstruction and the ages of the Supreme Court Justices, we knew that the winner of the 2016 election would be responsible for appointing at least two Supreme Court nominees and numerous circuit court

During the election I repeatedly tried to tell the non-voters and 3rd party assholes in my circle that it wasn’t about Hillary, it was about the courts, and President was basically irrelevant as long as it wasn’t a Republican.

Elections have consequences.

Susan Collins sure will (pretend to) be surprised when it turns out the Roe v. Wade doesn’t actually protect the right to obtain an abortion.

Didn't Diana say something along the lines of having to undergo invasive tests before the engagement was okayed? 

“The all-male jury and judge awarded him 18 quadrillion dollars in damages

He will never forgive her for losing! He never wanted this job.

He’s obsessed with Hillary because he knows on some level that he didn’t deserve to win the 2016 election, that he “won” on a technicality, and Hillary Clinton is the rightful leader. He is a usurper. He has to constantly run her down because she is a threat to his fragile legitimacy. Even he knows that, and he can’t

Because the only reason he holds the rallies is to hear people cheering for him. He doesn’t care about the politics, it’s just ego stroking, and they cheer for that shit, so he keeps repeating it. It means nothing. He’s a lab rat hitting the pleasure button, he doesn’t know how it works but it makes him feel good.

What galls me is his refusal to cancel the rally because he would be “letting people down”. Never mind that he let people in the Florida Panhandle down by not monitoring the situation there, what with a Cat 4 hurricane coming through.

Related tangent: If you live in IN, there’s currently no tracking from collection to courtroom and the current kits have to be kept cold. There’s a 2500+ kit backlog.  Furthermore, there are over 1600 kits that are supposedly deemed false or unfounded reporting (a 30% rate). They are trying overhaul the testing and

It’s convenient that victim testimony magically stops counting as evidence whenever rape or sexual assault is involved. If a victim identifies the person who mugged them, that’s evidence. But if a victim identifies the person who sexually assaulted them, it’s a grossly unfair character smear that means nothing.

I do stand with women. But we need to show the evidence. You cannot just say to somebody “I was sexually assaulted” or “you did that to me” because sometimes the media goes too far. And the way they portray some stories is not correct, it’s not right.

I have never felt this level of hatred and disgust towards another human being that I feel for trump. There is literally nothing that could happen to him that would make me feel any amount of sorrow or sympathy.