
Found that one out the hard way, I guess!

Well, remarkably, even if you personally don't believe something, that doesn't mean it's not true. It's nice that you don't think this instance is a great example of how female sexuality is oppressed in our country. Moooost other people disagree with you.

I'm having trouble following your writing, but I'm just gonna go ahead and repeat: "patriarchy" and "religious oppression of women" are very explicitly tied together. They are circuitous results of each other. This instance of a woman being told she is responsible for men's reactions to her is neither unique nor

Abed already definitively proved that Judith Light/Angela is the boss; seems she's just living up to her title!

Do you genuinely not know there is a pretty explicit relationship between religious oppression of women and patriarchy? For real?

It means that when you stand straight up with your arms at your sides, the hemline of the dress needs to be lower than where your fingers are on your leg.

It SHOULD be Alex Wagner (the biggest name). I love her.

I have to admit, it's getting kind of infuriating to see people have to make this same point over, over, over, over, over and over again on these college rape articles. They need to start incorporating that information into the articles, or put a giant banner that says "MOST SCHOOLS ASK THE VICTIM WHETHER OR NOT THEY

Ah yes yes. With the Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time.

If you're referring to Blue Bloods, that show is still going. It's like the Rules of Engagement of drama series. Everyone keeps thinking it was canceled like 3 years ago, but it's still on.

It is generally up to the student whether they want the case to be handled by law enforcement, the school, or both. Many times the student does not want to go to the police and chooses to have it handled within the school judicial system.

Yeah...I know someone who worked on Glee. Seems like not much has changed since her teen years!

Yeah, "pretty damn hardcore" meaning perfectly pretty in all the right ways. I know someone who is a very attractive woman but was turned down because "her smile is too wide."

If it makes you feel better, most of the mean bratty diva rumors are supposedly pretty true.

Oh god, do not point anyone towards Manischewitz. It's so gross! And I'm a Jew, I've had to choke it back at way too many dinners.

Definitely not light or fluffy, I agree there. I just think it generally falls sweeter than most Sauv Blancs/Pinot/Chardonnay/etc. I love a good gewurtz, I don't drink it as often as I'd like!

Well, there are rieslings that are on the dryer end of the spectrum, and those on the sweeter. Maybe you just tried a dry-ish riesling? I forgot to also suggest Moscato. That's another sweet one that sometimes comes in sparkling form, so it might be right up your alley?

Riesling and Gewürztraminer are some of the sweetest wines out there, and taste very juice-like. They don't sparkle, though. I think there are sparkling sweet wines, but I can't be sure.

"Tonight and the Rest of My Life" was on the trailer of at least one of those late 90's/early 2000's terrible romance movies, right? Sweet November? A Walk to Remember? I remember the song being on TV a lot and attaching "that looks like a really bad movie" feelings to it.