I found it kind odd they compared Thora Birch to Winona Ryder and Juliette Lewis in that article, among others. They are both about 10 years older than her, and she was still very much a kid actress when they were doing their mid-90's thing.
Who are these commenters who don't know the beauty of Heavyweights? One of my all time favorites. Stiller being White Goodman before Dodgeball was a twinkle in his eye. CLASSIC.
Ehh....I feel like it's a New Girl problem. There are plenty of shows that have successfully avoided the curse (or mostly successfully, depending on who you ask). Bones, Castle, Cougar Town, Raising Hope, Grey's Anatomy...I realize the last several are slightly more ensemble shows than the first two, but I think the…
Yeah - I can't even remember what it was called. I keep wanting to say "Dave & Busters," but obviously that wasn't it. It was something like that, a two name store. Steve? Barry?
I had a pair of super cheap jeans that I really liked from there too!
I actually had a pair of flats from her Bitten line (remember that?) a few years back. They were nice and not too pinchy, which is my main complaint with most flats.
I'll be shocked if we don't see at least one of these on someone come Oscar night. All the stylists watch these shows like hawks. These are GORGEOUS!
Yeah, the "you gave enough of a shit to comment" comment is pretty obnoxious, second only to, "why is anyone writing about this?" comments on the "annoying as fuck" scale. If it's not a big deal to you, scroll the hell past it. Don't click on it, read it, then comment about how much of a big deal it isn't. Even if…
Exactly. Sometimes I'm like, "Oh Joan, you're so bad, you really shouldn't say that..." but it's something I kind of agree with in the dark unfeminist parts of my soul. But this is just factually wrong. That baby is godamn adorable.
You gave enough of a shit (or you uh, like, cared enough) to leave two comments about it, sooo. And he didn't say "Basketball is easier for everyone to follow," he specifically said women can follow basketball easier than they can follow football. Why make the sexist distinction? I agree basketball is a simpler…
YES! The Cadbury Bunny commercials! OH man. Did all of our parents just have nothing else to do that night? Children of the 80's unite!
Oh my god I love this story - our West Side Story VHS started right before the Dance at the Gym. At some point my mom got her hands on another copy, and I was like, "What is this AMAZING JETS SONG THAT I HAVE BEEN MISSING FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS OF MY LIFE?! YOU JERKS HAVE ROBBED ME OF AMAZING SONGS!"
Oh, man. Yeah we will have to continue politely disagreeing, HARD. :)
Yes! I'm sure my love of Peter Pan is mostly tied to watching and re-watching my grandparents' VHS copy of it, taped off of TV (I saw in another comment you and I are Campbell's soup and OshKosh commercial soul twins). But I'll always have a strong attachment to that musical.
G&D, to me, has always been that musical with like, two good songs and not much else. Luck Be a Lady! Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat! And that's about it. (For me.) Peter Pan has so many I love! "I'm Flying," "Never-NeverLand," "I Won't Grow Up!" They stick with me much longer than most of the G&D songs.
Ooh, I will politely disagree and say I find Guys and Dolls about a million times more boring than Peter Pan.
I actually think Russell Brand would make a pretty entertaining Captain Hook. I wonder if the same person will play Mr. Darling/Capt. Hook like in the original stage version.