Was never around in the 80's, but yeah even NY in the 80's wasnt exactly that much better either when I think about it.
Was never around in the 80's, but yeah even NY in the 80's wasnt exactly that much better either when I think about it.
Pittsburgh, I have a specialized skill , came out of a job at the wrong time when no one was hiring, and sitting around for 3 months without working was really taking a toll on the savings, so had to take what I got.
I moved here from New York a month ago for work, it still is a gloomy terrible town, with absolutely nothing to do...
LOL , I just got a NYC Notify alert saying that there will be a helicopter flying around the Empire state building late tomorrow night and early next morning, completely forgot this was the reason.
Ford has always been well above Chrysler
You need a red sports car, or something really big to offset the youknowwhat!
Need some inflames right about now!
Not exactly paraphrasing, but here "Put a BMW badge on a bowl of sick and people will buy it" - Topgear
Damn you Orlove, now I have a craving for chicken and rice..
Dont care how much it is, but as long as somebody picks it up and restores it. One of the prettier Ferrari's. Compared to the ones they make these days, which are still not exactly very good looking.
Really dont know why the M coupes and roadsters don't get enough attention, these are great cars to drive, In all fairness a part of me wants it to stay that way cause, I haven't seen much depreciation in my 07 MR.
Im going to leave this here
Sigh! first world problems..
Wish it was that easy for me, we cant install unauthorized software, gets on my nerves some times.
How does one go about getting a desirable car for a 1000 bucks, all I find are ugly shitbox corollas from the early 90s. And just for the people who say Im not look hard enough, here is my daily routine. Log into office computer—> check emails—> check Jalopnik/Oppo —> got to craigslist search with a search filter of…
you know it!
geez! thanks for ruining my appetite..