
Adams Probe 16

this is a garage not a junkyard..

If it is after 9:00PM on a Friday, preferably one without the stench of human bodily fluids..

Dont know, definitely need some more episodes @MikeSpineli

proper bike you say? you mean this?

In other news, the world record for the number of people stuffed into a two seat sports car was broken by bunch of Mexicans in Tijuana..

No Sorry, Too much information on the main page, putting related articles next to new articles, and both having the same size, does not seem too efficient. This just seems too cluttered. Want the old version back.

Pretty sure this is one..

May be the next set of words should be "IT'S ALIVE!! IT'S ALIVE!!" ?

Sticking to my Indian roots.. here is a rare beast of burden the Hindustan Ambassador Traveller, so rare that it took all of 10 minutes to find a usable image..

Well the Amby is so heavy it will probably just drop of the edge. instead of flying..

Kinda would have liked to see it pass at least one car rather than be passed by all cars on the track to be honest..

Id say Im more patriotic to the fact that we are all car guys, it really doesn't matter from which country we are from.. the same petrol flows through our veins, so to speak..

the one in NFS2-Se was the Isdera commendatore 112i

Jagwoor/Land Romper/Ranch Rover ??Lol.. think I have a dirty mind..

They should all be ground up to the ground if you as me..

Man these are some great shots, I may not be GF Williams but I do like taking good shots on occasion, but I dont know how to divide my time, I love driving my car and love taking pictures of cars, here is one of them..

The Ford Lotus Cortina, never driven one, but heard so much about it from my dad when he returned home from the UK..

Absolutely agree, Saw this at the NY auto show 2 years ago, and I remember, just staring at it for over 30 minutes, taking in all the details as it revolved on the turntable..

meh! for $4500 there is a 1987 BMW M635i Euro, near where I stay.