Rohan Davey

Nothing personal here Maddy but that title reads a bit like “Gotcha” journalism. Riot didn’t permanently ban him, true, and they probably should have, but I don’t think it’s fair to paint this as Riot having been in the wrong.

glad to see that he is suffering some consequences for his bullshit actions. abuse should never be tolerated and heavy punitive action was the correct step here.

The more you read Deadspin you realize the people who write for this site are complete scumbags who don’t give a shit about people and only see them as tools for a agenda.

“The women lose their mind. Your fiancé is gonna lose her mind. Your mother in law is gonna lose her mind. Your mom is gonna lose her mind. Several of your sisters and female relatives are gonna lose their mind. And, they’re going to barrage you with constant questions. “What should we wear? Which of course my answer

As a gay dude who has been a sounding board for several brides, he’s not wrong.

Oh yeah, her mom wanted to pick the cheapest drink package, so I banned her from ever mentioning anything regarding the alcohol at the wedding and am paying for it myself.

Wait wait think, after the wedding, you stop getting in trouble for having your own opinions, or sharing her opinion? You are ADORABLE.

You should probably not get married.

Oh, come on. The only people who won’t find this amusing are women, single guys, and dudes/newlyweds blinded by puppy love.

Abuse victims taking on a false consciousness about their abuse is very, very common. Think of all the people who were beaten as kids telling themselves their parents were trying to “toughen them up.”

“If only Nicole Brown Simpson hadn’t gone out with Ron Goldman that night then came back to her own house. It’s her fault for attracting the wrong killer.”

Games like curling, archery, shooting, etc. may require less manual dexterity than e-games but the overall physical demands are much greater.

But, Curling is actually entertaining to watch

Those curlers really curled a good curl out there. Nice curling all around

the first openly gay female athlete among the Power Five conference schools

You know, there’s another way to think about the “Myth of Free Will”.

OK....would China have kept the players? North Korea would have killed them; Singapore would have caned them; but I can’t think of other instances of China involving American citizens.

Handcuff the entire Cuomo family to a comet exiting our solar system.

“Nah, they were just really fucking stupid.”

Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.