
That’s actually the way I put it in the review I posted to Amazon. It feels exactly like a table-top session that got written down verbatum by a truly bored stenographer.

This is true.

It’s true that grammar is not a divine mandate from on high. However, the rules of grammar (which you adhered to pretty well in your comment) allow us to communicate in a clear, understandable manner, despite differences in age, education, background, or location. Chuck can have all the thoughts on grammar that he

While I did (and will continue to) say “Fuck you” to Wendig and Disney for employing Wendig, I never said “Fuck you” to my fellow fans. We can disagree on the quality of Wendig’s writing (and we clearly do), but that doesn’t earn a “Fuck you” from me, because matters of opinion are always debatable.

I don’t believe my comment said any such thing. In fact, as I read back over it, my belief has become actual fact. I said no such thing, nor did I imply as much.

Yep, no idea what you're on about

What the hell are you babbling about?

Abso-fucking-lutely not

You get a star for The Big Lebowski reference, not for the sentiment expressed. xD

Wendig hasn’t mastered the rules.

Exactly. It’s not the use of present tense, which would be bearable. It’s his indulgence is many, many sentence fragments.

BOOK: *is incredibly poorly written, featuring many terrible sentence fragments, over described scenes, and multiple instances of faked deaths for a single character*

Here’s the issue: There’s not nearly enough New EU material yet to allow for easy skipping, and given that everything is canon now, skipping punishes uber-nerd completist fans like me. So I think it’s entirely reasonable to feel annoyed that a shit writer like this is getting not one, but three bites at early New EU

Yes, that is correct.

It’s not just the style, although that’s incredibly difficult to read. It’s the fact that he’s a terrible writer. He indulges in a ridiculous number of sentence fragments, gets lost over describing the scenery, and can’t seem to be bothered with resolving whether or not characters are or aren’t dead.

No, I have no issue with the characters, as previously mentioned. I don’t care that an LGBT character featured in Aftermath. In fact, I welcome such characters to the New EU, as they were far too rare in the Real EU.

You, sir or madam, have always struck me as thoughtful, intelligent, and interesting.

Did you read the excerpts? It’s clearly more of the same.

Gaaaaaaaah. I cannot say this often or loud enough: Fuck Chuck Wendig, fuck Aftermath, fuck Disney for allowing this terrible author into the New EU, and fuck the two forthcoming novels in this terrible trilogy.

In every way that matters, no, he didn’t. In the most incredibly technical of senses, yes.