
What, no love for Asheville?

A cautious response isn’t unwarranted. We’re only one film in when it comes to the Disney era, and most of us still have flashbacks to the Prequels. I’m hopeful that they can manage two good films in a row, but I’m not ready to break out into fanboy dances of joy just yet.

You know, you forgot to include “fucker”. points off for missing a form of the word.

It was all in the subtle rewording, really.

And how well you could line up what you were saying with either:

Any decent Poli-Sci degree (while being entirely worthless) is hardly easy to get. The sheer amount of bullshit, in either written or verbal forms, develops skills that are entirely unrelated to the degree you’re earning.

Trying to use logic against Mr. Trump is like trying to use bullets against Mr. Kent. Each is ineffectual and only likely to annoy your target.

This is one of those things that makes me question globalization. As I’ve said before, I’m with Toby Ziegler (or Aaron Sorkin, if you prefer that): “Free trade stops wars!”. Bringing the world together isn’t a bad thing, and having certain standards that apply universally means that, in general, the lives of every

Dear God, that moment is heartbreaking. There’s not much in most films that comes close to the humanity shown in those frames of animation.

This didn’t happen. You’re a liar and an absolutely AMAZING Photoshop artist.

Clearly you aren’t Interneting correctly.

This seems like the sort of thing only someone of a truly masochistic bent would do more than once. Where can I sign up?

So what you’re saying is...We were entirely right about this, and it’s the clusterfuck we all knew was coming?

“After breaking up” assumes there was an actual relationship. There wasn’t. There were three hook-ups and talking every day on the phone/online. xD

I said “similar” not “exactly the same”. I had been involved with my own breed of hellbeast before meeting my wife. Thankfully, my wife was the thing that finally got me over said hellbeast, but because I’m the sort of person who doesn’t make friends easily, I tried to transition from “hopelessly attracted to a woman

And now, having read the rest, I’m not entirely certain the Chair Leg of Truth is enough on its own. I’m fairly certain TSUUDB is going to need Spider wielding the Chair Leg of Truth to deal with this particular hellbeast.

Before I even read the rest, I had to come down here and give you warm hugs for the Chair Leg of Truth. It made warm fuzzies dance in my heart.

“Something-D-O-O economics”.....“Bueller”. “Bueller”.

The Force is strong with this one.

Having done my level best (as a huge fan of the Real EU) to slog through this book, I can honestly say it’s the worst Star Wars book I’ve ever read. Yes, that includes Crystal Star. And Glove of Darth Vader. And (while it wasn’t reading, true) The Holiday Special. Yes, in my personal (extremely well informed Star Wars