
Pretty much this. Lightsaber combat was, in essence, physical chess. The movies really don’t convey that very well. That fight at the beginning of Revenge is a lot different in the novel. Obi-Wan and Anakin bluff Dooku with fighting styles designed to make him feel confident and arrogant, before shifting to the styles

I.....But....You can't....That doesn't....*twitch twitch drool*

As long as it doesn't rise above the level of fantasy, you're fine. You're not abusive, you're not a bad parent, you're someone who's dealing with an active kid who's precocious enough to require serious effort to keep him in line. Having been exactly that four year old, I can promise that what you're doing won't

I generally avoid Jezebel, because if there's a place on Gawker where drama lives, it's here. However, I've got to say this: Pretty much every adult reading this was spanked, or had their hand smacked, or in some way experienced corporal punishment. The fact that we're existing as functional adults (well, most of

In practice, I'd likely be far more abusive than you're admitting. The reason for my trepidation is that I know myself, and use that knowledge as a yard stick. If I personally had the ability to alter people with errant thoughts, I'd be righting "wrongs" wherever I saw them. Congress would be my first stop,

I wouldn't say I insist that ALL mind control must devolve into massive abuse of power. I can understand where you're coming from there, and how the misunderstanding took place. Not being in my head, it's easy to misinterpret things that, to me, seemed clearly delineated.

Now there's a use I had not even begun to consider. The sheer number of hazards involved with a space walk, or repairing a malfunctioning nuclear facility...How did that never occur to me? Just to jump to one of my favorite shows, the 7th season of The West Wing instantly changes with TK. Yes, the nuclear issue

That's another one of those aspects that's inconsistently applied. I've honestly never considered that part of TK.

Let me begin by saying I bear you (Not I) no ill will whatsoever. Your opinions are well considered, thoughtfully phrased, and worth reading. The fact that I disagree almost entirely is no way way meant to convey that I think you less intelligent than myself. This is the sort of debate I desperately miss from my

That has absolutely nothing to do with the current discussion, and for that I apologize...But I just realized your name was German for "work makes fries". That made my morning considerably better. Thank you.

That's the truth. "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of" and all that. Belief in things unseen and unknown has been the driving force behind every advancement in human knowledge. That being said...Where are my TK powers? I need more water and don't feel like walking to the fountain! xD

Trying to be realistic about how this sort of thing functions is a sign of good writing and well thought out world building. We're all aware none of this exists. Giving it consideration and logical consistency isn't anathema to fun, though. Upheld suspension of disbelief FTW!

That's remarkably dangerous and sounds an awful lot like something that'd kill someone. I get road rage, but let's not use our hypothetical powers to kill people. We're supposed to be the heroes, not the villains.

Most thoughtful work on the subject of mind control points out that making changes to how someone acts is a violation. One which eventually builds up, as their subconscious struggles more and more against the control involved.

You're still removing people's free will. You're forcing them to do something for no pay, likely against their own decision making or best judgment. That is, by definition, slavery. It doesn't matter if you keep them forever, or have them perform one task and send them on their way.

See my reply on how those thralls are eventually going to slip their leads and kill you for their freedom.

Well said. That was my point exactly.

And that's entirely possible. However, you have to sleep eventually, and eventually your mental control is going to slip, and eventually I'm going to come out of it. At that point, I humbly submit that any sane individual would probably do what I'd do: bash your head in with the nearest convenient blunt object to

While I'd tend to agree with that portrayal. However, it's again something that isn't depicted consistently. I'd like to think it'd be possible, but it may also be like trying to lift yourself with your own hands: not feasible because of the mechanics involved.

While my thinking hadn't gone that deep, that's my point exactly.