
You mean, they should be happy someone’s doing QA on their work, because they clearly haven’t?

I think it’s worth actual discussion about whether the porn actually made her kidnapper worse, however. In reality, I think it’s likely that, while the pornography made a horrible situation worse for her (being forced to consume this stuff and tying it to his behavior), his addiction to and actions related to

God damn it.

Thanks, Dr. Kinsey.

Ehhhh. He did basically sponsor a town-wide AIDS epidemic, so...

I encourage everyone to also read up on Pence’s involvement in stripping Glenda Ritz, an elected official, of her authority and duties by changing the law when his crony didn’t get her seat. Along with that, you’ll find how much he’s utterly fucked education in the state, in addition to all the gross monstrosities

Sure it does. It’s two major news events that are juxtaposed in the right-hand bar of your Facebook “trending news” feed, and you would never, ever stop to put both of them together because it’s not something you feel or experience (I’m assuming). Also, this is a gaming site, so it makes sense for him to utilize a

Omari, I’m not sure where you are in NC, but if you’re ever in the triangle area, I’d happily come and play some Go! with you. I’m 8 months pregnant and non-threatening as shit unless someone tries to take cake from me. I don’t care what color you are in real life, but I do care what color you are in the game. :D

Considering even young white people were getting the cops called on them for Ingress a few years ago in predominately white towns, you’d damn well better believe black players are getting the cops called on them for this now, and in greater numbers.

Schilling’s screwup in RI actually had a lot to do with a lot of other studios in the area getting the crap smacked out of them. Many companies tried to absorb the shockwaves and take on talent from 38 when it tanked as a goodwill gesture and just to try to stabilize, and it brought a lot of problems with it. Major

If you were working as a temp, then your temp agency had a lot more to do with how the company treated you than the company itself.

I’ve done way too much of this throughout my pregnancy, and you make a really good point. I also have a tendency to blame myself for things outside of my control (my blood pressure, which has never been high, and which is not the result of bad diet, etc.), my carpal tunnel (which seriously appeared out of nowhere a

Oh, God. Bless you on both the acid reflux (Prilosec daily has helped me immensely, I’m 36 wks at the moment, ask your doc) and the high blood pressure (which my midwife finally just told me yesterday to chill out about and pay attention to my body rather than the cuff and the numbers).

And the first person who says that copping to— and getting help for— post-partum isn’t feminist gets fucking kneecapped in my book. Hormones do crazy, wacky, wonderful, awful things.

Came to say this. Being tired and stressed out and constantly worried is enough to make you forget shit.

In fairness, it’s like driving a land yacht. Super roomy, and with enough trunk room to hide all 12 of the people dumb enough to ride with you into a lake.

Okay, I have to ask— what’s the story here? I normally give Kotaku and Gawker sites a big free pass on the content they create, but ostensibly, this site is intended to be journalistic video game coverage. I’ve scrolled past a lot— a lot— of Overwatch coverage over the last month or so because it’s not my thing, but I

As someone else noted above: it’s a freakin’ meme. Hillary’s official Twitter lobbed it at Trump’s. Go sift through Twitter for a while, it won’t be hard to find hundreds of examples of it in use.
Unclutch thine pearls.

How is that in any way a threat?

It’s not Dr. N’s place, the letter-writer’s place, or your place to not be “too easy” on this girl. If you truly feel she’s going down the wrong path, the only being whose business that is is God. We’re humans and fallible and there are a billion paths to go down that have wrong elements to them, so maybe just leave