
Okay, I’ve replied to this several times, and it won’t show up unless I go chasing it. I found the article, thanks for all who linked it. Secondly, I had some things to say about the culpability of outsourcing and staffing companies in these scenarios (source, worked in biz development at HQ of a very large staffing

Thanks— I replied earlier that I’d found it and had some insights as a former biz development person at a big staffing company, but now I can’t see the reply. I’ll have to see if it’s out there in the ether or just not showing up on my screen. (Basic gist: outsourcing/staffing companies bear a lot of onus in these

Just found it, thanks. I did leave a comment— some insight from my days in business development at HQ of one of the larger temp/contracting firms. Basically to the effect of-- I notice the Polygon article leans very heavily on contract/outsourced employees, and responsibility for those employees’ hours can be VERY

As someone who worked in business development for an outsourcing/temp company, I will say this: if contract workers (especially in customer service) are being worked this many hours, this is as much the fault of the employing company (if not more) than it is the buyer (in this case, Epic).

In a lot of cases, buyers

Is that in reference to something specific?

All I’ve heard for years as a PC gamer is how everyone wants someone to come and take some of Steam’s lunch money to make Steam up their own game. Someone tries it— and in a fledgling way that will obviously have growing pains, some threadbareness, etc. as they hit their stride— and everyone gets pissed because they

I mean, at least she hadn’t gone on record cozying up to Republicans (unless I missed that). I actually am okay with celebrities keeping their political views to themselves if they wish. It would have been different if she’d been shilling for/with one and then flipped around after her tour. 

I encourage you to find a new therapist. The right therapist should engage on whatever you need to talk about and delve into. Thanks for sharing your experience.

What the hell does that have to do with people falsely holding her primarily responsible for the animation in the game? Or threatening to rape her? Seriously, stop trying to defend this shit.

As I explained to a family member the other day, I’ve started assuming that every stupid, rude and hostile person voted for Trump, and assuming that every person who voted for Trump is one of those three things.

I read through this whole thread with the awareness that it was old but wanting to ask a lot of these folks if they’d ever actually GIVEN birth. Even with pain meds, you can’t get them at certain points (for instance, if the baby isn’t descending quickly enough, etc.) so may not have CHOSEN not to have pain meds, or

I actually thought you were saying that cars break the guys who drive them, which, to be honest, is a lot more accurate than what you were saying. Some guys (and women) lose their heads in a powerful vehicle and act idiotically, and unfortunately, other people usually have to pay the price.

This is really fascinating-- like the look.

This is really fascinating-- like the look.

I felt this way during pregnancy. I understand every word of what you’re saying. And the worst part is, everyone (well, not EVERYONE) around you actually treats you like this guy says— like a host. No one wants to talk to you about anything but the baby. Your well being no longer matters. Your mental state is moot.

Generally speaking, satire— especially satire that depends on an understanding of white supremacists that most people will not have or want to have-- needs more than 140 characters to be done and done well.

So how can they do that work without welcoming the input of those they’re trying to work with? I legitimately don’t understand this. Even educating yourself about the historical struggles does fuck all to provide understanding for the current landscape— you need perspective. A white person who makes culture diversity

Cho’s fed up. Swinton is trying to understand that and figure out how to build from it and help with it. So Cho tosses her under the bus in a frankly disingenuous characterization? Being a liar isn’t exactly a moral high ground.

So I read that as “her asshole father” at first, but yes— correct.

Not if you’re Rory Gilmore! I mean, if you fuck up the interview, Grandma and Grandpa will just come bail you out, right? As you mock your boyfriend’s class of people for getting bailed out of life at every turn.

Oh fuck, how did I forget about the random nerdbashing?! “OMG A COSPLAY NERD.”