Ogre food. Keeping that one.
Ogre food. Keeping that one.
We tip VERY well in my household and have turned down delivery drivers' offers to go back to get forgotten items (drinks, sides etc) because we know that takes precious time and gas money, etc... and yet, still bad service. I think it might just be the places around here, so we just deal with it and keep on tippin'.
Every time I think about it, I get pissed off. She was a cruel, horrible woman who enjoyed causing others distress.
A few years ago, I was at a charity dinner with my new boss and my department, and my psychotic old boss happened to be there. She was a society bigwig, so everyone at my table knew her, but they also knew how horrible she was behind closed doors or to people she saw as less than her.
I'm glad you're feeling better— at least, less stressed. Sorry you had to go through that.
There's more of a choice there, usually— if you're talking about in-app purchases where the path gets narrower and narrower until "free to play" isn't really a thing. If you are buying skins, it's because you want to, not because you've been forced to.
Screw you for that earworm, pal.
So I'm confused... I don't doubt there are racist folks from Indiana. I'm from there, and you get all kinds. But what's the problem with asking if they have the customer card? It's annoying, sure, but a) they have to ask, it's part of their job, and b) assuming they DON'T have the card just because they're Japanese is…
I commented something similar and then had to comb through all the comments to see if anyone else remembered those horrorshows. A friend bought me Musical Miles and we've been referencing that poor, greasy bastard for decades now.
This is like those creepy Boyfriend in a Box gifts you could get at those weirdass gift/prank shops on the mall years ago. They were all disgusting and creepy and came with "handwritten" notes, etc. to leave yourself.
I've had numerous sports fans here go on, at length, about how it's their right to leave games midway through and throw a tantrum if it's not a total blowout in their favor. One of them said— and garnered agreement from my entire work team at the time— "That just shows we have heart. It shows we care how we're doing.…
This commercial makes me laugh every time, partly because it's a horrible commercial, and partly because that guy is just hitting that "creepy" homerun out of the park.
Also, who the hell would ever eat something a stranger had been chewing on? Sweet Jesus. And then they'd probably complain because she ate their food. They wanted to do something assy. They came there intending assery. It wouldn't have mattered what she did.
I honestly... I've read it twice and am just sick to my stomach angry. I want to find these people and kick them in the taint.
I completely agree. I only share relationship stuff when it's goofy. Almost never fluffy, and certainly never pissy/annoyed. It's too easy to come off as the shrew or the jerk that way, when people don't have context. Especially if you're friends with your own family or your in-laws. Yikes.
I reserve a flat "what the fuck" for when I find that my husband has used laundry soap in the dishwasher or whatever. I use that one sparingly, so I'm biased.
It's weird, though— I mean, while I can certainly see something like that being texted in jest, if my husband texted me that and I knew he was joking, I'd message back "Haha, hang on, I'm almost home" or "Quick, call your mother" or any number of things. Not "What the fuck." That sounds like she didn't find it funny…
He actually calls out that he's using a different bow for the chain mail stuff. I did finally watch to the end. Again, I'm not saying the dude's not talented. But the whole "this is real archery" schtick is... well, schticky.
I'm not mad, I'm just... oh, forget it. This is the internet. Go on, then.
It's hard to do so when the entire first minute of the video comes off very "ARCHERS TODAY, MAN, THEY DON'T KNOW SHIT, AMIRITE?" I'll take your word for it. I'm not saying he's not talented, but I am saying there's some derp floating around in there.