
If you're talking about how archery was done in ancient times, you're primarily talking about hunting. If you're running through the woods talking about how crappy back quivers are, you're basically in a hunting scenario. Basically, if you're talking about ancient archery and "archers now," it all stems from hunting.

Pros: increasing the visibility of archery.

I can't decide what's worse— that this may have actually happened, or that I'll have to listen to the fucking sports fans here find a way to excuse it or pretend it's okay.

Commented on this somewhere else— I was shocked to see people saying they'd seen places allow this or expected it wouldn't be a big deal. HUGE liability. It seems silly, but it also makes sense.

Really? That surprises me— when I worked for a casino (with restaurants), the only outside food they would allow was birthday cake, and even that was a "we'll look the other way" rule, because if someone brings their own food into your food-serving establishment and they get sick, you can potentially still be held

I would disown my mother, too, if her response to people not liking her is that she must just be too fucking awesome.

It's not funny that she was wrong. It's funny that she was a bitch, doubled down on being wrong, got her friends to triple down on being wrong, and then basically bugled I'M A MORON to close it off.

There's presenting yourself in the best possible light, and then there's fucking crazy. And this one's fucking crazy. The idea of spending six minutes in this woman's presence, much less four years with her jammed down my throat, makes me feel ill.

In her defense, stage and film lighting is hot as hell and the makeup they put on you is revolting.

"Hanging a rat" is one I hadn't heard before. Filing that away.

"Laughed at" is the key thing you said, though. I think he thought it was one big, extended "your mom" joke, not that he actually wanted to take this woman to prom and expected that she would.

I'm a midwesterner who is now living in Massachusetts, and it didn't take me long to figure out why they think that of themselves— it's because road crews up here are so aggressive and quick to respond that they think "driving in the snow" means "driving when the snow is piled up on the sides of the road."

You'd be surprised at how many people in Massachusetts— who should know better— don't bother. Or maybe you wouldn't. Drivers here are monsters.

I love the tag on this.

People accused you of TATTOOING IT ON?! And I thought people accusing me of dyeing pieces of my hair gray were insane.

I worked with a woman once who thought "smeg" meant the same thing as "schmutz." I don't know why I'm sharing that except now I can't see or hear either word without dissolving into laughter.

I absolutely adore kids, and I feel like an utter asshole that this:

For the player, sure.

I think just recently, People magazine accidentally let one go live— you'll see that from time to time, where the advance obits accidentally get published because someone doesn't know how their CMS works and boom, instant death hoax.

Even smaller newspapers and magazines do that in advance for well known or public figures. If the game is to be the first one on the spot, it pays to have "inevitable" things already in the queue and ready to fire.