It would have taken them longer if football wasn't front and center on television tonight. If that were released on a Tuesday, I guarantee it would have taken longer.
It would have taken them longer if football wasn't front and center on television tonight. If that were released on a Tuesday, I guarantee it would have taken longer.
If a guy— let's say one in a close relationship with Ray Rice— reached out to push or swat at him after it appeared he spit on him, and then Ray knocked the guy out cold, no one in their right mind would say the response from Rice wasn't crazy and disproportionate. Don't make it sound like this is a "fight lost,"…
Your account on the cloud =/= public on the internet. I mean, just so you know.
Someone actually said, without a trace of irony, on my Facebook, "They were asking for it." Deleted without hesitation.
Because Brett Favre chose to send a picture of his privates to someone inappropriately and, if I recall correctly, unsolicited. Anthony Weiner, similar. They both sent these photos out to people. None of the women affected by this sent them out to people, particularly not people who were unwilling recipients or…
So, for the sake of argument, let's say she did sleep with a "bunch" of journalists and let's say she got favorable coverage for that. (I find both the quantity implied and the benefits stated a bit dubious, but let's roll with it.)
And yet, this still doesn't seem like as much of a scam as buying part of the Packers...
True fact: vocal fans are the worst part of any sport ever. And living in Massachusetts, I'm going to at least enjoy the roasting of idiots I experience on the regular.
The exception, of course, is the wonderful end of Tam-Tara Hard Mode. Baaaahahahahaha.
A buddy of mine who no longer plays made a catboy because he knows they skeeve me out. He then proceeded, in every dungeon we had, to somehow time it just right to change into his underwear and a jack-o'lantern hat RIGHT as the boss died so that when I hit cutscene, I had to look at gross catboy tighty whities and…
I feel like it could have had the headline, then this:
I can't say as I really blame him. I mean, these guys aren't necessarily all about public speaking. They're about playing a game. And let's face it, the questions they get are just as asinine, if not moreso, than him repeating the same, corny-ass answers over and over again. Why put any imagination into your…
They were weird, right? Like, you just stopped hanging out with them immediately because they were weird.
Well, there's your problem. Don't buy strawberries from stores. Farmers' markets or find a friend who grows them.
Well done.
Even worse if you were tall and thin— I'm Elezen so I felt like it always looked super ridiculous. And why, in the cut scenes, is your head always slightly tilted? It made the tin can look even funnier/dumber. I burst out laughing every single time.
Because if you wait long enough, people will start giving you tickets like they're Monkey's Paws. PLEASE, GO TO THE GAME INSTEAD OF ME. IT CONTAINS A TERRIBLE CURSE.
For what it's worth, he would have needed to get out of the car, anyway, once it was out of commission. Racecars wreck, and when they do, drivers get out. Other drivers know this. It's why they have caution laps, which they were under at the time, if I understand correctly.