
I beg to differ, as Japan did attack the Aleutian Islands and had subs outside of the west coast at times, and let's not forget Pearl Harbour.

Thanks for me almost spitting my beer all over my laptop. Picturing her in bed and reading some Harlequin romance and the thought bubble over her head. Perfect.

I guess I am doing something right!!!

I thought all happy endings ended with a happy ending?

This is not where I saw this thread going. Thanks.

I thought Charo was a she…

It is so nice to see @The@TheTacoBellbell:disqus back again. Granted I'm a minor minor minor commentor here but your lack of presence has been noted a few times.

that he stops existing immediately would not be a bad thing. and this is not a call for his non-existence. it's merely calling for one where he never is on any media again.

More like a classic smoking jacket, you know…

Funny how I was thinking about The Princess Bride in the original book form and while I remember the part about the four white horses, I can't recall if the priest was described in the book as having that particular voice. It really doesn't matter, because it's one of the rare cases where the book and movie are

I was severely disappointed in Kick-Ass 2. What a waste of…everything. And I would love a Rifftrax of BvS. Aside from having to watch it again.

I'm hoping he doesn't think it's a real crayon because he wants to add more fake news.

That's SATIN.

I'm willing to agree with this. Is the X-Men franchise still Fox? I suppose it doesn't matter since it's still a Marvel franchise, but I thought First Class and Days of Future Past were good, as well as Logan. The latter really surprised me by how good it was. I'm also willing to throw Deadpool in there simply because

Dredd was surprisingly good, believe it or not. It may have helped that I watched it with -no- expectations and while I wasn't blown away, I wasn't left wondering why I wasted my time (see also: Batman vs. Superman). It's even worth a rewatch. And as far as success, I thought it was enough of one that the studio did

Or goats…or sheep…or basically any livestock including but definitely not limited to horses as well.


No need to bring Ronny Reagan in with the jelly beans. He's napping quietly…forever.

And a billion souls were grateful for it…

I didn't want to upvote, but my throbbing erection told me otherwise.