
More like stealing ALL the bits.

Good Lord isn't that the truth. Penn Station was a literal nightmare to me the first time I ever had a layover there. I have subsequently made it a tradition to drink at the TGI Fridays (the only times I ever darken their doors) because it was the only thing that made sense…in a roundabout way. They served alcohol,

I have a feeling that this may be the ideal way to watch this: on mute and just deducing from the visuals how atrocious the script must be.

Ha!! No kidding. It's as if he hit 20 and just morphed into old man mode.

Thanks for reminding me of this horrible, horrible movie that I need to watch. I may have to go back and read the review again just to get me in the proper mindset. I hope I'm remembering correctly that it was an I.V. review.

I swear Thewlis has been middle aged for his entire acting career. The first film I saw him in was "Besieged" with Thandie Newton, and while I haven't seen it since it came out, he looked 45 in that and still looks 45 almost 20 years later.

With a Vangelis cover of "Ring of Fire" playing in the background.

With original cast? Why not?!?

I watched both Kill Bills for the first time in over a decade. Hold up surprisingly well. I will admit that the final scene with Bill is still a let down.

Thanks for reminding me of this. I'm off Monday and Tuesday and looks like I'm gonna be watching a lot of 1990's Shakespearian films. Richard III was one of my favorites from that period, and probably watched it like five times in a two year period.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Titus, but damn if that wasn't one of the more violent films I had seen up to that point (think I watched it a year after it was released). Replacing his daughters hands with twigs as well as cutting her tongue out was a rough scene for me. I think, just like Requiem for a Dream, I've

Too Soon!!!

Might need to go see a doctor about that. Just sayin'

Easy there, cowboy. Military don't trim.

No. Shit.

BIG RED NO. The last couple MI movies were good to even great (I judge this by how many times I've watched them, and they are…great to good, respectively), and Edge of Tomorrow is much better than expected. I actually think he's a good dramatic actor, but if he wants to turn into some late aged action star (apparently

Hey, Xenu would be proud.

I'm laughing but can't figure out if I'm supposed to upvote or not.

At least we know she isn't cooking with KY.

I honestly thought when reading that if what if she slapped his dick back? Tit for tat, so to speak? Or just go for the balls. "This is what turns me on, honey, when I give your balls a good slap. Makes me feel empowered." Pretty sure the pussy slapping would stop preeeeetty fast.