
Smokey & The Bandit say "You're Welcome".

Sidehackers is one that I somehow never saw until last year…and boy is it bad. An incredible product of its time, where it needs to and deserves to stay. Easily Mitchell and Laserblast levels of quality and WTF.

"There were buildings with giant holes in them!"

As I'm fond of saying, it was like a 1970's porn shoot. Without the orgasms.

Yeah, I didn't quite get his comment about it being one of the weaker parts of the film. If there is a weak scene (at all) in the film it's when Natalie Portmans character does the freak out. Not the suicide attempt, although that's also something that always seemed tacked on just to give her something to do. This

No shit? I may have to pick it up NOW. I have a 4 hour train trip in a month and this may be the perfect movie to watch in the lounge car.

I read that as "lap-dancing" and frankly I'm not ashamed to say that's where my mind went.

I accepted my fate as a Browns fan when I was 10. That the Indians made it to the World Series once in my lifetime has eased the pain of knowing that the Browns will never make it to the conference finals, let alone ever draft or even trade for a decent QB. Ever. And will have a new head coach every three

If your fucks are sparkling you may be doing it wrong.

Considering that I'm turning 42 later this year and what I would consider my salad days of dating essentially over, this is not necessarily a bad idea. I still have no retirement fund, no permanent residence, have yet to work for the same company longer than five years…a life of crime and then jail when I hit 65

He's a sad furry?

No, it is not, and you may be doing it wrong.

I'm quitting you.

I get that, and luckily Shatner isn't naked.

I've probably watched the good Wrath of Khan several times over the past couple years and know it like the back of my hand. Mainly for the themes throughout the film but I've come to notice that it may be the only ST (aside from perhaps TUC) where it seems like he is making a noticeable effort to "act" and not be

I've seen all of Spaced, and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Thanks for reminding me that I'm overdue for my yearly watch of MST3K: The Movie. Plus I should probably go ahead and rewatch the new season again, as it was actually pretty good.

"And I ran for president!!"
Ben Carson

I actually liked it a lot, but this is coming from someone that never read the book. I know it's more of a reimagining of the original, but it kinda falls in the same vein as The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (which I did read 25 years ago and used to have an ancient copy from probably the 1920's), where I feel the

I completely get this, although I switched to messenger bags my freshman year of college (back in the dark ages of 1994). I upgraded to a messenger bag/laptop bag five years ago and it serves its purpose: miniature life save at times (it -does- have random crap in it that I will never clean out but tends to come in