
Does this mean we can get another season of the X-Files as well? Without Chris being involved? Please?

I like how that turned a corner into Lynchian territory.

Can we at least wait until pre-season to make jokes about the Browns and their consistent good fortune with QBs? I will admit that "Colt Prattes" does sound like the name of any number of QBs that they have signed over the last 15 years or so and was destined for failure.

With Alyssa Milano, no doubt.

And oddly, for the next 20 years as well, which is probably when some idiot Hollywood exec will get the brilliant idea to do a Baywatch Nights movie.

Starts toe-tapping to "Hey Nineteen", steps out of cubicule, finds self in elevator going down to garage where oddly Steely Dan is playing…in the elevator. Exits said elevator and promptly walks to his beat up Nissan where it immediately starts playing Nickelback.

Only with your triple espresso latte enema.

More like who is Hoolie gonna sue now?

Brad Pitt would like a word, and he's not happy that it's taken 22 years to let him know WHAT'S IN THE BOX

Perhaps the best use of an Eagles song lyric ever.

It's the little things…

I have a feeling he'd probably like it.

I see what you did there and I'll allow it.

I'm finding that good adaptations of books/stories means taking all the good parts and essentially re-rewriting a new script. Blade Runner > Electric Sheep. Jurassic Park the film is NOT greater than the book, however, taken on their own merits, both are good. I read the book right before the movie came out, and I

Damn. Just looked it up on Wikipedia and how this ever passed me by is…confounding. Thank you. I keep on thinking I know cinema but…you know the rest.

So many people in that movie that either did absolutely nothing or were huge. Mirren in the Mosquito Coast is still the role I will always remember her for. She has aged, but damn if she still isn't hot as nearly 70 years old. I'd bed the Queen, lol.

Funny how you mention Grohl. I made somewhat of the same kind of comment on a FB friends page because it seems like as much as the Foo Fighters just seem to keep making the same album over and over again, longevity and consistently selling out stadiums goes a fucking long way. For Grohl to have maintained that for

By this reasoning, I'll be contacting @Alien Jesus to see if he's been in touch with David Bowie, and how he is doing, and especially if he is going to transmit any music to Terra anytime soon.

"That's my Dik!!"

"isn't that illeagal?"