
John Boorman with Excalibur would like a word…mainly about how Hollywood needs to stop remaking the Arthurian legend and call it a day. It is never going to get as good as Nicol Williamson chewing scenery as Merlyn. I still figure that seeing that movie when I was five on HBO at 6 a.m. was a defining moment in my life.

That fourth season is one that has grown on me. The first time watching it was kinda boring honestly, but then I rewatched it six months later and I recognized the random plot points thrown in every episode. It really is a constructed season, just not one that even remotely resembles the previous three. It really is

Here's ten dollars…

Everyone, even the Bluth family, gets one.

At least he didn't blue himself…supposedly.

Charlie Brown Christmas music starts playing.

Yes, but what about my EGOT? I -need- that Emmy!!

I actually wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't FX back in the '00s. I don't necessarily -miss- having a TV but I do miss knowing what current trends are in regards to TV. I.e. commercials (I know…) and sports. Seeing what is playing regularly gives a bit of insight into the corporate and general populace mindset I've

I was pretty -meh- about Covenant until I read the review here and elsewhere. It seems to be much better than the trailers make it out to be, and a LOT better than Prometheus, which I did actually like but seemed like a film that had a lot of great ideas but didn't know what to do with them. Unlike that previous film,

Thanks for that reminder that we don't even have ONE Al Jarreau anymore.

Too soon…

Granted, the chances of Phil K. Dick living to this point in time were pretty slim anyway, but I'd be interested to know his thoughts on a sequel to a movie that essentially took random plot points from one of his books that ended up being a cult classic in every cinematic form. (yeah, I know that's a horrible

Or, if you had gone to college in the mid-90's, really, really enjoy Animaniacs, B:TAS, Gargoyles, etc.


Crouching Tiger is one of those films that fascinated me when it came out, and was part of my life for probably two years (much like Fight Club was) and then has only occasionally come up on my radar since then (also, much like Fight Club). It may have been my age for both (early-mid 20's) where while these things in

Can honestly say I haven't heard of SPY but I'll check it out. Spoof movies done properly are a rare breed.

I can't recall where I first heard about OSS117 but it was only in the last few weeks and it's definitely on my list now. It helps that Dujardin is a great actor and I can see him pulling this kind of spoof off.

That was a gimme…

There's a great movie on Skinemax tonight…

I really can't say for sure that the three point turn wasn't done before in film, but Austin Powers did it the best, and that it is now a standard trope says a lot about its impact on humor.