
Archer has overdone Austin Powers to the point that there is no way a fourth movie could or even would work properly. Granted I think a much smaller portion of the populace has seen or is even aware of Archer, but another Austin Powers movie would be immediately be derided as being derivative of Archer.

I didn't see the first one in the cinema, and only watched it because a friend told me that Matthew Sweet was involved with the music. I saw it for the first time on VHS right before the Spy Who Shagged Me came out, and it was good timing, as I saw that sequel in the cinema with that same friend and it is the only

Those Chinese baby miners that got trapped, and then rescued by puppies killed ratings for NBC as I recall ;)

Don't forget the evangelical preachers over in SE Asia, especially places like Singapore. They give the ones here in the USA a run for their money when it comes to…well, spending those church funds on themselves.

I'm fairly certain that photography had advanced a bit by the first decade of the 1900's to the point where you didn't have to keep still for five-10 minutes at a time for proper exposure. I may be wrong (I took one photography class in college…in 1995) but considering they had them moving pictures by then, I think

Or live in Williamsburg.

The history of the Barrymore family, and essentially any acting family that has been around for the last 100 or so years is absolutely fascinating. The Bernhardt clan is a good one to spend a few hours wasting time on.

I remember when the 1995 film of Romeo & Juliet came out and I was dragged to it with a bunch of friends on opening night. It ended up being one of my favorite films of my way early 20's, but I still recall at the end when they both kill themselves, the packed theater was dead silent (lol) but then at the penultimate

This actually sounds relatively interesting, but something I'll find myself queing up on Netflix in about six months to a year rather than seeing in the cinema. "Its secret identity is a boring movie" seems like an odd way to end a B- review, but I guess it means it isn't -that- bad, right?

More like missing in the Bahamas and their picture to be all over every news outlet.

And for some women, maybe none.

Nice to see your imagination is running wild…how about that solo show you want now

Sad thing is I'm about to get back to that needle infested coast in a week. Grew up in OH but have lived all over this side of the MIssissippi and am finally making the jump to NYC. Granted it's Long Island, but still, I've been living in GA for the last four, almost five years but I'm done. Love the folk, hate the

I still can't believe Walker is still gov. I lived in Madison in the mid-00's and seemed like such a progressive state…and then I started traveling through the mostly unpopulated counties and realized my error.

Like Evil Lincoln, I too never knew that there was an actual J. Geils. I always assumed that Peter Wolf was the brains behind the band which is why it dissolved when he left. Considering how much musical idiocy I have accumulated over the years, I can't believe that I never knew that there was a real J. Geils and his

Well, he -is- a Getty. But yeah, I'm gonna have to re-read that DFW story again.

Yes, and thank you. I had a great mix CD years ago that opened with that song. Got destroyed in one of my many moves and been trying to figure out who that was ever since.

I turned 40 a year and a half ago and I'm pretty sure I'd already spent a cumulative 8 months jerking off by then. Considering the lack of relationships in the ensuing 18 months I think I'm up to 9 months.

No relevance to this article but to the next one: I used to walk over a Toynbee tile in downtown Pittsburgh back when I lived there. I tried prying it up one drunken night after a particularly bad day at work and had no success in even getting a fragment.

Can't say for sure about Fourth of July fucking, but I know a alt country singer did a good song about it, and I post Aimee Mann's song with the same title every year on FB on, well…you can figure it out.