
Why in the world would you ever mix bourbon with Mountain Dew. Was Coke overpriced where you were and Pepsi not available?

As a drinker of Jim rather than Jack I more than agree. Also, Jack is the one bourbon that makes me want to fight. Evidence being the two times I fought my chef. It was after work but still…

This is horrible, but I can't stop laughing. So, so horrible. But damn funny.

I agree with all of this, but…

Jesus. What an asswipe.

Not hugely divisive, but definitely so. I recall friends from the 90's who were entirely just into metal, grunge, you name it, but wouldn't cross lines. Everybody tends to know everything now (aside from us old Gen-Xers, but even I know who Future is, dammit. I still want you off my lawn).

That he's just sticking to action roles anymore I think is downplaying that he actually is a decent actor. He isn't Ian McKellan, but then no one is, but I thought Collateral (I think that was the one) was pretty damn good, and he nailed it. He does need to stay away from anything related to Jack Reacher though…I've

I actually think War, Inc., may be the last one, but that's up for serious consideration. Seeing how it was an informal "sequel" to Grosse Pointe Blank, the story darker, and that aside from the first ten minutes it pretty much sucked overall, I'm willing to concede my putting up up there as the last Gen X film.

Honestly had no idea it even existed, I'll have to check it out. Thanks!!

I spent a lot of time in the Columbus (OH) downtown library in the '90s and still remember the first time I saw High Fidelity on the new arrivals book racks. Just by the cover I knew that this would be made into a film, and even gave it as a birthday gift to at least two friends. Still can't believe it when one of

I'm not entirely out of the loop with comics and history, but I actually do appreciate explainations like this because damn I'd be lost otherwise. And for once this is not sarcasm. Thanks.

Definitely NOT Gwenyth Paltrows head.

It falls into that strange category of films I liked but not sure I'd ever want to watch again. Not quite like Requiem for a Dream, but pretty close. Personally, the latter just because of how dark it was, the former because of how close the repressed lives it portrayed resemble so many folk that I knew and grew up

No. Jack Reacher was bad, and I refuse to watch the sequel. A majority of his other films are really good though. How the MI films have gotten progressively better with each one is kind of surprising, although I consider GP better than RN, but just a personal preference.

So incredibly underrated. I was surprised I watched it three times. Supposedly a sequel is in the works but why?

War of the Worlds is kinda crappy, but I'm with you on everything else. TBH, the MI films are decent and get better as the series progresses. Ghost Protocol is probably the best one (Rogue Nation being a close second place) simply because plot and characters are pretty much fully developed and it's not your usual

The soon-to-be president played sax on Arsenio Hall. But yes, I kinda miss that decade as well.

I'm honestly afraid of what I'd find if I looked that up on Urban Dictionary.

Barry White: Still Dead.

Ha! Completely forgot about Hardware Wars. THIS is why growing up in the late-70's and '80's was good. What was the one where the videotape ate people? It was a short too, and I swear I saw it on Nickelodeon before they got way too kid friendly.