
"Time to Force kill an incompetent General…"

Hey Jerry, get back into a car and get some coffee

And he smokes…Chesterfields? WTF?!?

And now I just wish that NoEx lasted longer than it did…and was readily available on DVD.

I can appreciate this, as I tended to use all S.P. albums as driving music, and Tidal and that Gorillaz album were also perfect. Random classic rock also filled the void, usually Led Zep (early albums) and Clapton, regardless of who he was playing with in the 1960's.

You're not Sponge worthy.

I actually look forward to these talk page idiocies because I used to do random editing on Wikipedia (always just random grammar stuff…fact checking is for people with time on their hands). But the online arguments and crap that folk would get in arms about…especially about pics was always fun. The back pages of (I

You tend to smoke a Morley after reading a Playpen.

Between Siamese Dream and Machina, I can never decide what the better album is to drive to.

I've watched Bad Boys once, and couldn't figure out what the hype was about. Completely agree with you on the 80's-early 90's films. Total Recall and True Lies!!!

Corgin really needed a producer who would just tell him no, but regardless I still like the album as a whole. There are certain tracks that I end up skipping -every- time, but no one can say it doesn't start out with a bang and goes half the album before it loses steam until the last few tracks (it is what, like 16-17

Dangerous is OK if You're Black Or White.

I kinda miss the days of yesteryear when big pop albums were almost guaranteed to have 3-5 huge songs. I really don't follow popular music anymore but I pay attention enough to say that it just doesn't happen anymore.

I still stand by The Mothman Prophecies as a good movie. Everything since then that Pellington has done, I don't know. That film however really captured a certain time and period in my life that still hasn't gone away. The scenes in Pittsburgh, and oddly enough that town in WV that I actually went through by mistake a

Why are you ruining MY MOVIES!?!

I don't get it.

I see what you were aiming for there, and congrats the rare three-way here at the AVClub. We are now mere mortals in you presence.

If ever a time for that response, that was it. I'm gonna be laughing at that for a while.

"I'm getting too young for this shit!!"

It is one of those films that I feel will be infinitely watchable. Much like the real Total Recall and Deadpool for me. Random action flick that has the right mix of humor and gore.