
Norm MacDonald as a late nite sidekick is something that will never happen but is genius. And him paired with Colbert would be that much better.

BAD was the last really good MJ album…

So was Machina…but fans are few and far between.

Sarcasm all you pretentious assholes. Jesus fucking christ.

Sarcasm is such a hard thing to express online…thanks for taking the opposite interpretation to the extreme.

The dude is a douche. and you are defending him. also: it's "Barometer".

How's the roadblock GOP working out for you? My blue county is doing well. Also, he's still just an "internet celeb". And wasn't sure I was flounting anything you troll. Unlock your comments and posts if you're so unafraid. But it's funny how our red state friends hide.

So…Who? I'm trying to figure out the big deal over someone who may or may not be an interenet celeb, who may or may not have been on some random news forum at some point, yet…the amount of fucks I'm giving about this idiocy (aside from this comment) are ZERO.

Not to butt in, but Wish You Were Here is the only Pink Floyd album I ever made a point of owning and listening to.

Look him up. He's had quite a good run on Broadway and doing films that he's much more selective about. In regards to kids who grew up on screen he's doing pretty damn good.

Exactly. You grow up and become that person who you fought against.

I wanted the downvote for so long and never used it until now. Fuck mads.

"Metatextual" in regards to Broderick is something I never thought I'd see, but it's true here, but he did the same in a much earlier roll in "The Freshman". Playing against part is nothing new to him, and that he has had an amazing career despite Ferris is saying a hell of a lot.

She is one of those latter day cases where even a bad film had her doing great.

FYI I didn't look that up. Jepoardy trivia for sure.

I actually like this idea, and am surprised I haven't read it elsewhere. Makes perfect sense to spread the economics and tourist/spectator impact around.

-shaking Magic 8 Ball- "Sources say, Not Fucking Likely"

Pretty sure it was St. Louis back in like 1904 or something. I grew up oddly fascinated by the Olympics and still have odd bits of trivia bouncing around. U.S. Presidents fall into that category as well, but that's due to a grade school teacher who was obsessed with anything related to the presidency.

It's hardly a film with the happiest of endings, but I've always liked the uncertainty at the end of The Fabulous Baker Boys. Really helps that it's just a well written (if slightly dated) and amazingly well shot film. I still end up having to rewatch the ballroom scene with Michelle Pfeiffer singing "Makin' Whoopie"

No, wrong Ahnold film, the real answer is True Lies. It screams love.