
I used to be on the bandwagon of "gee Keanu can't act for shit" and then I realized that I've seen probably 75-80% of all his movies…EVER. I honestly don't think there was a single movie that he did during the 90's that I didn't see at least once, and this includes Johnny Mnemonic and Chain Reaction. I then thought

Damn, I had to look that movie up just to remind myself that it not only happened but that I used to have a minor infatuation with Christina Ricci.

At least it wasn't a D-

Considering everything, that cast is amazing, yet it is still bad. You can only work with what you have, and the direction you're given.

I.V. is on a roll these days with his reviews. I honestly just want to see him stuck with all the bad ones forever, because he knows how to eviscerate a film like no other.

The Weinsteins would like a word about this "micro" thing you mention.

"Of Dubious Agents Making Money"

I wish I could add this to my list of bad movies that I will love to watch because of their horribleness, but this seems like such a slog that I'd probably end up falling asleep only 10 minutes into it.

Because The Grapes of Wrath has been done so many times?

This actually brought a smile to my face. So much inanity and stupidity run amok.

Reminding me I'm overdue for a Princess Bride watch. Apparently the R.O.U.S.'s are alive and well in the White House.

And once again I am embarrassed for my hometown, as it is the singular site of a sold out show for this idiocy.

Thanks for finally clearing up something I was wondering about ever since that album came out. I could never decide if it was supposed to be "Street Anger" or "Saint Anger".

just when the oil starts to smoke, that's when you add them. I've found that regardless size of the U-10s I get in my restaurant, 60-90 seconds on one side (always checking for sear before turning) and then once you turn them, cut off the flame/heat and just let them go for another two minutes. Done.

Chevy Chase would like to play saxaphone with you in a 1986 video.

I'll fully admit an odd nostalgia for the time period it represents. The internet wasn't huge, malls still seemed important to shopping needs, and bizarro cable dating shows seemed like a good idea.

"Hmm. Almost no 25-year-olds I knew at 25 were married."

Fuck, marry, kill: Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Mike Pence.

I finally watched The Babadook, and I was told great things about it. I think we are on the same level when saying that The Conjuring and Babadook are "tense", but not necessarily "scary".

This reminds me of the time when I was running multiple errends around downtown DC and actually saw two Starbucks on opposite sides of the street within maybe two-three blocks of each other. Considering how it seemed you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a Starbucks back in the day, I still find this hard to