
My older brother was the Battlestar fan in the family, to the point where he actually had the toys (I swear he still has them somewhere in his childhood dresser in his garage). But Star Blazers, man that anime was awesome and made me ready as a four year old Rogue for Robotech when it finally made it stateside in the

hehe, "hard thing".

It's a Jack Attack!!!

I graduated from a private non-denominational christian school in 1993 and was pretty much relegated to being the lead male actor in our annual plays from sixth grade until senior year (I fucked that one up, as I managed to get myself expelled so they had to recast my role…but oddly I was still in it, as the bad guy

Late as usual to the discussion, but the entire BFF catalogue is essential to my 1990's self. Their first one summed up my post-high school, early college days. This album made me aware of how difficult and stupid life is sometimes (the last half of WaEA still gets to me at times, and props to our article writer here

But…Aimee Mann is a singer/songwriter.

The jukebox at the local I frequented when I used to live in Pittsburgh had a very ecceletic selection, but all the regulars knew to leave me alone when I would pop that song on, usually followed by all of side two of Jane's Addiction "Ritual…".

So you're losing the war because you didn't start your offensive against the Motherland in spring like Napoleon's ghost told you to?

It's an "alternative fact". Us Dems can play that game as well…

Complete spit-take. That was hardly the comparison I was expecting, but definitely the one that I needed.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but considering that I had no interest in a Hobbit movie (or trilogy), regardless of who directed or wrote or produced or was the key grip, I am quite happy to have gotten Pacific Rim.

Not quite on the same level, but I had a similar experience when watching The Conjuring in the theater with a bunch of friends. The second "hide and clap" scene freaked us all out (as well as everyone else seeing the late matinee as well) but did such a number on one of our group that she literally ran out of the


I stopped following college hockey when I moved out of OH, but I can truly admit that I miss the old CCHA games between in-state teams like OSU/BGSU an OSU/MU.

But, but what about Benghazi?!?

That thing that happened…

King sized Kit Kat and a 32 oz Dr Pepper. I have no idea why these are my travel go-tos, but they have been for 20 years now, regardless of whether it's work or personal road trips. I don't buy any candy bars or any such thing at all unless there is at least 100 or more miles ahead of me, and I stopped drinking any

Considering the likelyhood of being blown back a few decades or more has risen in the past two weeks, these outdated techs may be more relevant now.

I remember when this came out and thinking, Oh Yeah, I liked that first one cause it had a pretty decent convoluted storyline and really set CG forward a bit, kinda like Sky Captain did a year before the original Sin City came out. Then I saw the previews and read the reviews and realized that just like Sky Captain

Considering how out of touch I am with gaming anymore, I'm surprised John Carmack is still around and an actual presence in gaming. Times may change, but it seems he hasn't.