
Or, perhaps he has an entourage of guys in the Italian Navy?

So much for scissoring later. Dammit.

More like Lapo Semenari…

I see what you did there, and at least you're doing it.

I have a feeling that he has probably already tried different versions of this line and this is the one that works.

I rarely comment on your recaps but I always look forward to them because it's like a coda to the usual Savage Love. Plus it keeps me up in my terminology. So WTF is a "hotwife" fetish? I tried figuring it out from the callers situation, but nothing makes sense or adds up.

Understatement there.

War Games holds up surprisingly well for being such a product of its time. Watched it in 2013 for the first time in probably 20 years and John Wood is great as Falken.

It's always been a tie for me between Sugar Mountain and Old Man. The former sums up my late-20's pretty damn well, as I was beginning to realize that maybe I was getting too old to continue to act like I'm still 19 or 20 years old, but still didn't care enough to change my ways. The latter, well, that's saved for

I'm reading this to find out if, in other multiverses, there have been more than two seasons of Rick & Morty.

My libido?

That is a rock-solid pun you worked in there…

Was it CVB or Cracker that David Lowery got back together and went on tour in maybe 2004 playing nothing but the full album of Tusk? What a horrible idea that was.

I'm hoping he's dressed as The Phantom when he punches that iceberg. And also leaves the skull logo from his ring imbedded in the iceberg.

So they were gonna have quadruplets?

I still don't get it.

Hopefully not Clyde.

It astounds me that I can still pretty much recite the cast of SNL in order from the opening roll during her days there, over 25 years later. "…Phil Hartman, Jan Hook, Victoria Jackson…"

Considering I watched the first one with such low expectations and was pleasantly surprised, I'm deciding to do the same with the sequel.

"Apt Pupil".