
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B…

I'd be laughing at this if not for the fact that there was a group of after-church diners that came into my place in WI and they never tipped, just leaving random Christian tracts. After hearing about if from my servers three months in a row I finally convinced my GM that we do have the right to refuse service. If you

There are a few higher profile restaurants that have eliminated tips and pay their servers a straight salary. It has tended to work out pretty damn well in most situations.

Did I come here for a Futurama update?!?

I read about that last week yet somehow nothing has happened…yet.

Finding anything out about Trumps net worth would be surprising.

Up voted for "bicameral".

I'm independently unwealthy, so a pox on your unborn and uninsured children!!

I say that to myself with every application and resume I send out. Thanks for that daily reminder.

I have vague recollections of watching her show on FOX when they first came up against the Big Three networks and loved her.

The former has been on my list for a couple months, both book and film. Good/bad/meh?

I've never watched The Big Chill but I've always been aware of it. I swear it was on HBO incessantly in the mid-1980's, and it seems like it should be a part of my attempts to understand my fathers generation. I tend to re-read Paul Theroux's "The Happy Isles of Oceania" every few years, and it always catches me off

So having read a few of these now, I'm kinda wondering where the piece on Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman is. If there is a director (and even writer sometimes) that I honestly thinks has a particular actor on speed dial it's GdT calling up Da Perl.

A Moon Shaped Pool is what is finally getting me back into Radiohead. I know folks get fed up here on the AVC with how certain things get force fed to us sometimes but this is one occasion where I'm happy I read every Radiohead newsfeed or watched the latest video. Granted OK Computer and Kid A (but especially the

"I Love You To Death" is severely underrated. Granted I haven't watched it since 1993 but my memories of it are going to suit me just fine. I also tend to recall "Grand Canyon" getting pretty bad reviews when it was released, but that may have just been in my neck of the almost mid-west. I took a glance at the

I was actually asking the same thing.

Hail to the Thief was the last Radiohead album I bought and it's taken me the ensuing years to finally appreciate it. But I honestly can't stand Green Day's "American Idiot". Perhaps because I just couldn't get away from hearing any random track off the album in the final year I was living in Pittsburgh or simply

Excellent use of "roiling" there. Exactly what I was thinking.

That's just…horrible.

Geez, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to pause after that scene. I finally watched Green Room just a couple hours ago (thanks AVC for reminding me I meant to see this months ago!) and it definitely lived up to the reviews it got. Personally I'm finding that less gore is sometimes better, as you let the audience see